Member discounts will be applied at the final step of your order (if applicable).

Name Price Details
1/WG7/70 - MPS for airborne 75 MHz marker beacon receiving equipment


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 21,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 30,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in January 1970.

The minimum performance requirements specified herein are designed to ensure that aircraft equipment certificated to them will be compatible with the relevant ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices.

€30.00 excl VAT See details
WG7C/1-74 - MPS for airborne Doppler radar ground speed and/or drift angle measuring equipment


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 21,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 30,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in August 1974.

WG-7C was directed by the Council of EUROCAE to study and draw up a MPS for airborne Doppler radar ground speed and/or drift angle measuring equipment. This document deals with the result of this work and the associated recommendations.

€30.00 excl VAT See details
WG7C/2-74 - MPS for airborne automatic dead reckoning computer equipment utilising aircraft heading and Doppler obtained velocity vector data


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 21,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 30,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in August 1974.

WG-7C was directed by the Council of EUROCAE to study and draw up a MPS for airborne automatic dead reckoning computer equipment only utilising aircraft heading and Doppler obtained velocity vector data. This document deals with the result of this work and the associated recommendations.

€30.00 excl VAT See details
ED-12C - Software considerations in airborne systems and equipment certification (Including Amendment N°1 – 19 October 1999) - with Corrigendum 1


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 175,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 250,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in January 2012 (incl. Corrigendum 1 released in February 2021).

This document provides recommendations for the production of software for airborne systems and equipment that performs its intended function with a level of confidence in safety that complies with airworthiness requirements. Compliance with the objectives of ED-12C is the primary means of obtaining approval of software used in civil aviation products.

€250.00 excl VAT See details
ED-14G - Environmental conditions and test procedures for airborne equipment


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 266,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 380,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in May 2011.

This document supersedes document EUROCAE ED-14F of March 2008. ED-14G provides standard procedures and environmental test criteria for testing airborne equipment for the entire spectrum of aircraft from light general aviation aircraft and helicopters through the "jumbo jets" and SST categories of aircraft. The document includes 26 Sections and three Appendices. Examples of tests covered include vibration, power input, radio frequency susceptibility, lightning and electrostatic discharge.
Coordinated with RTCA, EUROCAE/ED-14G and RTCA/DO-160G are identically worded.

Note: ED-14G is complemented by ED-234.

€380.00 excl VAT See details
ED-14G Change 1 - Environmental conditions and test procedures for airborne equipment


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 0,00€

Non member: 0,00€


Issued in January 2015.

Change 1 to ED-14G.

€0.00 excl VAT See details
ED-18 - Audio systems characteristics and MPS covering microphones (except carbon) and headsets and handsets and loudspeakers and audio selector panels and amplifiers


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 49,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in July 1985.

The task assignment included the consideration of the overall system audio response characteristics affecting the intelligibility of air-ground speech communication, and the review and evaluation, to the extent feasible, of all design mesures giving promise of improvement.

€70.00 excl VAT See details
ED-22B - MPS for airborne VOR receiving equipment


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 56,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 80,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in January 1988.

The purpose of this document is to specify minimum performance requirements suitable for airborne VOR receiving equipment and to ensure that aircraft equipment certificated to those requirements will be compatible with the relevant ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices.

€80.00 excl VAT See details
ED-23C - MOPS for airborne VHF Receiver-Transmitter operating in the frequency range 117.975 – 137.000 MHz


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 80,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 115,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in June 2009.

This document supersedes the "Minimum Performance Specification for Airborne VHF Communication Equipment operating in the frequency range 117.975- 137.000 MHz (Receiver-Transmitter)", ED-23B, March 1995.

This document contains a minimum operational performance specification for airborne VHF communications equipment (receiver and transmitter) intended to be used for airground communication. It is designed to ensure that equipment certified to it will be compatible with the relevant ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices as described in ICAO Annex 10 Sections 4.5, 4.7 and Appendix D. It is also intended to cover equipment suitable for use in an 8.33 kHz channel separation environment.
NOTE: In the following text the channel spacing for 8.33 kHz channel assignments is defined as 25 kHz divided by 3 which is 8.3333.... kHz.

This minimum operational performance specification defines the minimum
performance expected of an aircraft VHF receiver-transmitter equipment; the performance of a specific equipment may be enhanced or superior to this specification depending on the intended application and configuration.

€115.00 excl VAT See details
ED-26 - MPS for airborne altitude measurements and coding systems (including Erratum)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 56,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 80,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 1979.

€80.00 excl VAT See details
ED-30 - MPS for airborne low range radio (radar) altimeter equipment (including errata N°1 – 1 June 1980)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 35,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 50,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 1980.

€50.00 excl VAT See details
ED-36B - MOPS for Microwave Landing System (MLS) Airborne Receiving Equipment


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 119,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 170,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in October 2007.

This document provides minimum operational performance specifications for the airborne portion of the microwave landing system. Should the MLS functions be incorporated into multi-function equipment with other facilities, the requirements of this specification must be met whilst operating as an MLS receiver.

€170.00 excl VAT See details
ED-38 - MPS for airborne weather and ground mapping and assisted approach radars (including surface-based transponder beacon system characteristics) (Including Amendment N°1 – March 1992)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 56,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 80,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in June 1983.

€80.00 excl VAT See details
ED-42 - MPS for fuel flowmeter systems to aircraft standards


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 42,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 60,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in October 1983.

€60.00 excl VAT See details
ED-43 - MOPR for the SSR transponder and the altitude measurement and coding system


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 56,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 80,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in October 1983.

€80.00 excl VAT See details
ED-46B - MOPS for airborne ILS localizer receiving equipment (including Amendment N°1 – October 1995 and Amendment N°2 – July 1997)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 63,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 90,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in September 1995.

€90.00 excl VAT See details
ED-47B - MOPS for airborne ILS glide path receiving equipment (including Amendment N°1 – 15 July 1997)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 63,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 90,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in September 1995.

€90.00 excl VAT See details
ED-51 - MPS for airborne automatic direction finding equipment (including Amendment N°1 – October 1987)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 35,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 50,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in October 1983.

€50.00 excl VAT See details
ED-52 - MPS for conventional and Doppler VHF omnirange (C VOR and D VOR) (ground equipment) (Including Amendment N°1)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 56,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 80,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in August 1984.

€80.00 excl VAT See details
ED-53A - MOPS for microwave landing system (MLS) (ground equipment) (including Amendment N°1 – August 1994)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 77,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 110,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 1989.


€110.00 excl VAT See details
ED-54 - MOPR for distance measuring equipment interrogators (DME/N and DME/P) operating within the radio frequency range 960 – 1215 MHz (airborne equipment)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 66,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 95,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in January 1987.

€95.00 excl VAT See details
ED-57 - MPS for distance measuring equipment (DME/N and DME/P) (ground equipment) (including Amendment N°1 – 26 October 1992)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 63,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 90,00€ (excl VAT)


No longer maintained

Issued in December 1986.

€90.00 excl VAT See details
ED-58 - MOPS for area navigation equipment using multi-sensor inputs (airborne equipment)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in 1988.

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-67 - MOPS for devices that prevent unintentional or continuous transmissions


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 35,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in April 1991.

€50.00 excl VAT See details
ED-68 - MOPS for devices that prevent simultaneous transmissions


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 56,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 80,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in April 1992.

€80.00 excl VAT See details
ED-72A - MOPS for airborne GPS receiving equipment used for supplemental means of navigation


No longer maintained


Issued in April 1997.

€110.00 excl VAT See details
ED-73E - MOPS for Secondary Surveillance Radar Mode S Transponders


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 245,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 350,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in May 2011.

This document supersedes ED-73C published in 2008. It provides standards for Mode S airborne equipment (Mode S). Incorporated within these standards are system characteristics that will be useful to users of the system as well as designers, manufacturers and installers. The document considers an equipment configuration consisting of: transponder, control panel, antenna and interconnecting cables. Level 1 through Level 5 transponders are addressed, test procedures are provided as well as information for optional features. It reflects issues identified and discussed by the ICAO Aeronautical Surveillance Panel Technical Subgroup and reported by Civil Aviation Authorities since the publication of ED-73C. The document is a coordinated effort with RTCA.

€350.00 excl VAT See details
ED-75D - MASPS: Required Navigation Performance for Area Navigation


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 133,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 190,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in October 2014.

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) recognized a need for dramatic improvements to the existing air navigation system. The ICAO Special Committee of Future Air Navigation Systems (FANS) developed a new concept expressed in terms of communication, navigation, surveillance and air traffic management (CNS/ATM). It was intended to be an evolutionary means of achieving improvements in the global air navigation system. To obtain the benefits of the CNS/ATM concept, aircraft need to achieve accurate, repeatable and predictable navigation performance. This is referred to as Required Navigation Performance (RNP).

€190.00 excl VAT See details
ED-76A - Standards for processing aeronautical Data


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 122,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 175,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in June 2015.

This standard provides recommended minimum requirements for the processing of aeronautical data. It aims to assist aeronautical data chain participants and regulatory authorities in meeting their responsibilities. It is intended to be used by organizations seeking approval of the method(s) they use to process or manipulate data.

€175.00 excl VAT See details
ED-78A - Guidelines for Approval of the Provision and Use of Air Traffic Services supported by Data Communications


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 94,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 135,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2000.

It supersedes ED-78. It provides comprehensive guidance material for use by service providers, manufacturers, operators and approval authorities.

€135.00 excl VAT See details
ED-79A - Guidelines for Development of Civil Aircraft and Systems


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 80,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 115,00€ (excl VAT)


No longer maintained

Issued in December 2010.

This document discusses the development of aircraft systems taking into account the overall aircraft operating environment and functions. This includes validation of requirements and verification of the design implementation for certification and product assurance. It provides practices for showing compliance with the regulations and serves to assist a company in developing and meeting its own internal standards by considering the guidelines herein.

€115.00 excl VAT See details
ED-80 - Design Assurance Guidance for Airborne Electronic Hardware


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 77,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 110,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in April 2000.

This document provides guidance to be used by aircraft manufacturers and suppliers of electronic hardware items used in aircraft systems.

€110.00 excl VAT See details
ED-81 - Certification of Aircraft Electrical/Electronic Systems for the Indirect Effects of Lightning (including Amendment N°1 – 26 August 1999)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 56,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 80,00€ (excl VAT)


No longer maintained. – Content is incorporated in ED-158

Issued in May 1996.


€80.00 excl VAT See details
ED-82A - MOPS for Mode S Aircraft Data Link Processors


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 77,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 110,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in November 1999.

€110.00 excl VAT See details
ED-128 - Guidelines for Surveillance Data Fusion in Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Levels 1 and 2


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 77,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 110,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in October 2007.

The purpose of this document is to inform A-SMGCS suppliers and users about the concepts and issues surrounding the fusion of data in the Surveillance element of an A-SMGCS. This guidance applies to Data Fusion within the context of Level 1 and Level 2
A-SMGCS as defined in the EUROCAE document ED-87A “MASPS for Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems”, and further expanded by the Eurocontrol document “Definition of A-SMGCS Implementation Levels”.

€110.00 excl VAT See details
ED-83 - Recommendations on Ground Collision Avoidance Systems


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 73,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 105,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in April 1998.

This document details the minimum operational requirements of a GCAS which is intended to be compliant with ICAO Annex 6 part I and II. The approach proposes the use of a terrain database to meet both basic and enhanced operational modes.

€105.00 excl VAT See details
ED-84A - Aircraft Lightning Environment and Related Test Waveforms


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 49,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in July 2013.

This ED is one of the set of three documents covering the whole spectrum of aircraft interaction with lightning. The purpose of this ED is to provide the characteristics of lightning that are encountered by aircraft as well as transients appearing at the interfaces of equipment associated with electrical/electronic systems as a result of that interaction.

€70.00 excl VAT See details
ED-129B - Technical Specification for a 1090 MHz Extended Squitter ADS-B Ground System


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 175,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 250,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2016.

This document defines the minimum technical specification for a 1090 MHz Extended Squitter ADS-B Ground System. For brevity, this is referred to as the “ADS-B System” throughout this document. The ADS-B System is the “SUR Sensor” element of an infrastructure supporting ATS Surveillance Service(s), such as the Approach Control and Area Control Services within the European Air Navigation Region.

€250.00 excl VAT See details
ED-85A - Data-Link Application System Document (DLASD) for “Departure Clearance” Data-Link Service


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 63,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 90,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2003.

This document is intended to capture minimum interoperability, performance and safety requirements for a service based on data-link communications used for Departure Clearance. It allocates these requirements to the airborne, communication and ATS domains and describes acceptable means of demonstrating compliance.
It clarifies the previous version ED-85 particularly the field of message processing.

€90.00 excl VAT See details
ED-88 - MOPS for Multi-Mode Airborne Receiver (MMR) including ILS and MLS and GPS used for Supplemental Means of Navigation


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 35,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 50,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in August 1997.

This document specifies minimum performance standards for airborne equipment which may receive transmissions from three types of ground transmitters, ILS, MLS and GPS. It supplements earlier documents ED-36A, ED-46B and ED-47B which are for single types of transmission, and ED-74 which is for ILS and MLS.

€50.00 excl VAT See details
ED-130A - Guidance for the use of Portable Electronics Devices (PEDs) on Board Aircraft


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 192,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 275,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2016.

The PED ARC (Aviation Rulemaking Committee) established in 2013 made recommendations to clarify and provide guidance on allowing PEDs usage from gate to gate without compromising the continued safe operation of the aircraft. This lead to the creation of the FAA operation guidance, see Appendix C. On EASA side, specific acceptable means of tolerance and guidance material to allow PED operation gate-to-gate can be found in TABLE 3-2. The guidance contained in these FAA and EASA references are only intended for operational approval, they do not cover methods acceptable for aircraft certification.

€275.00 excl VAT See details
ED-89A - Data Link Application System Document (DLASD) for the “ATIS” Data Link Service


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 63,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 90,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2003.

This document provides minimum interoperability, performance and safety requirements for the ATIS service based on data communications. The ATIS service is a Tower Control Service, a direct communication from ATC to Aircrew of takeoff information (runway condition, weather, ceiling, ...).
It clarifies the previous version ED-89 particularly the field of message processing.

€90.00 excl VAT See details
ED-90B - Radio frequency susceptibility Test procedures


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 91,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 130,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in May 2010.

This document discusses in greater detail the test procedures and highlights problem areas that could lead to test errors.
The purpose and scope of this User Guide is to provide additional information and clarification on the test procedures for section 20 and 21 of ED-14.

€130.00 excl VAT See details
ED-93 - MASPS for CNS/ATM message recording systems (including Amendment N°1 – 23 November 1998)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 73,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 105,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in November 1998.

This MASPS specifies recording system performance characteristics appropriate to the new technologies and concepts of CNS/ATM digital systems, and includes information concerning both on-board and on-ground recording. Adherence to this specification will ensure that aircraft operating in a CNS/ATM environment will have recording of message information which is adequate for investigation of accidents and occurrences.

€105.00 excl VAT See details
ED-94C - Supporting Information for ED-12C and ED-109A - with Corrigendum 1


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 175,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 250,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in January 2012 (incl. Corrigendum 1 released in February 2021).

This document addresses the questions of both the industry and regulatory authorities. It contains frequently asked questions (FAQs), discussion papers (DPs) and rationale.

€250.00 excl VAT See details
ED-133 - Flight Object Interoperability Specification


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 108,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 155,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in June 2009.

This document is currently under review and should not be used “as is”.

This document defines the interface between different instances of civilian ATC Flight Data Processing Systems (FDPS), in support of En-route and Terminal ATC Operations. It explicitly covers the exchange of real time Flight Information and Aeronautical information, and makes a number of assumptions about the provision of other types of information (for example, consistent meteo and aircraft performance information).

€155.00 excl VAT See details
ED-136 - Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Air Traffic Management (ATM) System Operational and Technical Requirements


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 66,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 95,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in February 2009.

The scope of WG67 ED-136 is to specify the Operational and Technical Requirements of an Air Traffic Management (ATM) Voice Communications System. To achieve this objective many potential sources of these requirements were investigated including ICAO SARPs, EUROCONTROL Guidance documents as well as individual ANSP specifications.

€95.00 excl VAT See details
ED-137/3B - Interoperability Standards for VoIP ATM Components (Part 3: European Legacy)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 42,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 60,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in January 2012.

(Volume 3 European Legacy Telephone Interworking)

€60.00 excl VAT See details
ED-137/4B - Interoperability Standards for VoIP ATM Components (Volume 4: Recording)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 42,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 60,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in January 2012.

This version of the document represents “the minimum specification required for Manufacturers and Users to assure Interoperability from/to VoIP ATM Recorder Components”. EUROCAE WG-67 has updated the previous version of ED-137:
• following a series of plug tests, performed by many suppliers in Arlington in May 2011 and in Sophia Antipolis in June 2011, improving ED-137 concerning the understanding of              interoperability requirements between the ATM VoIP components,
• following discussions with FAA for taking into account US requirements agreeable within the European context.

Note: version superseded by ED-137/4C.

€60.00 excl VAT See details
ED-95 - MASPS for a Global Navigation Satellite System Ground Based Augmentation System to Support Cat 1 Operations


No longer maintained


Issued in October 1999.

The purpose of this document is to define and allocate the system performance requirements to the major sub-systems contained in the GNSS Ground Based Augmentation System. Operational concepts included in this document are based on aircraft interfaces already used for ILS operations and ATC procedures as close as possible to the ILS ones.

€95.00 excl VAT See details
ED-138 - Network Requirements and Performances for Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Air Traffic Management (ATM) Systems (Part 1: Network Specification – Part 2: Network Design Guideline)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 91,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 130,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in February 2009.

The purpose of this document is to specify the network requirements and the needs of VoIP services for ATM applications in the network - including IP Adressing and Security - that are to provide the necessary high levels of availability, integrity, performance and Quality of Service (QoS) for VoIP in ATM applications.

€130.00 excl VAT See details
ED-141 - Minimum Technical Specifications for Airport Collaborative Decision Making (Airport-CDM) Systems


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 84,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 120,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in October 2008.

Airport Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) is an important enabler of Air Traffic Management (ATM) capacity and efficiency. The concept of Airport CDM does not imply any particular system or architecture. Rather, it is an approach to using aeronautical data, based on sharing data between all Partners, ensuring a common view of the ATM and airport environment on all levels. Airport CDM also addresses the need for operational decisions to be made collaboratively thus providing a substantial contribution to maximising capacity and efficiency.

Although Airport CDM is applicable to all phases of flight, the Airport CDM concept has seen its first prototypes and trials at airports and this document is therefore dedicated to Airport CDM. An Airport CDM Task Force was created under the EATM Airport Throughput Business Division (APT) of EUROCONTROL, and documents created by this Task Force have contributed significantly to the development of this document.

Airport Collaborative Decision Making is about improving the way operational Partners at airports and the European ATM network work together at an operational level.

€120.00 excl VAT See details
ED-142 - Technical Specification for Wide Area Multilateration (WAM) Systems


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 91,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 130,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in September 2010.

This Technical Specification document specifies the minimum performance requirements for a Wide Area Multilateration (WAM) System that is part of a system providing airspace situational awareness to air traffic controllers and other users within the European Air Navigation Region.

€130.00 excl VAT See details
ED-143 - Volume I : Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System II (TCAS II) - Volume II : TCAS II Collision Avoidance System (CAS) Requirements Specification - Attachment A to Volume II


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 245,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 350,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in September 2008.

Vol I: Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Traffic alert and Collision Avoidance System II (TCAS II) : this document sets forth minimum operational performance standards for Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System II (TCAS II) equipment. TCAS II is intended to improve air safety by acting as a last-resort method of preventing mid-air collisions or near collisions between aircraft. By utilizing Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) technology, TCAS II equipment operates independently of ground-based aids and air traffic control (ATC).

Vol II: TCAS II Collision Avoidance System (CAS) Requirements Specification : this document contains the Collision Avoidance System Requirements Specification (CRS), a detailed specification of the Collision Avoidance System (CAS) component of the TCAS II system using a precise program specification notation called state charts. It is incorporated by reference into the requirements specification in Volume I.
Attachment A to Volume II : this attachment contains an alternate specification of the Collision Avoidance System (CAS) logic in the form of a program in a simplified programming language developed specifically for the purpose. Equivalence between this form of the CAS logic and the state charts has been demonstrated by testing implementations based on each specification against the CAS test suite. However, Attachment A is provided for informational purposes only, and is not formally incorporated into Volume 1 as an alternative statement of requirements.

€350.00 excl VAT See details
ED-143 Change 1 - Minimum Operational Performance Standards For Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 49,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in April 2009.

Change 1 to ED-143.

This Change 1 document specifies a change to the TCAS II requirements contained in EUROCAE document ED-143/RTCA document DO-185B. The rationale for the change is described in change proposal CP123, which was approved by the WG-75/SC-147 Requirements Working Group.

€70.00 excl VAT See details
ED-98C - User Requirements for Terrain And Obstacle Data


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 126,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 180,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in October 2015.

This document provides guidance for data gathering by data originators, for data processing by data providers, for implementation by application integrators, and for end use by the aviation community (e.g., air carriers, air traffic services, procedure designers). It is supplemental to the data processing requirements included in EUROCAE ED-76A / RTCA DO-200B and the exchange of data included in EUROCAE ED-119C / RTCA DO-291C.

€180.00 excl VAT See details
ED-143 Change 2 - Minimum Operational Performance Standards For Traffic Alert And Collision Avoidance System II (TCAS II) Version 7.1


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 49,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in April 2013.

Change 2 to ED-143.

€70.00 excl VAT See details
ED-99D - User Requirement for Aerodrome Mapping Information


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 196,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 280,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in October 2015.

The information contained in this document has been compiled by industry for the purpose of stating surface mapping information requirements for users such as those described above. The requirements presented are not all-inclusive, but represent those of more immediate concern. Airworthiness authorities, civil aviation authorities, and the aviation industry urge aerodrome mapping database (AMDB) originators and integrators to use this document when providing those data to system designers and users. In addition, this document provides guidance material on structure of AMDBs. Based on the availability of standardized current AMDBs, a variety of applications can be envisioned. Several are described in this document. This document has been written under the assumption that if all users are using consistent aerodrome mapping data, operations can be improved, and new capabilities can be realized.

€280.00 excl VAT See details
ED-100A - Interoperability Requirements for ATS Applications using Arinc 622 Data Communications


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 122,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 175,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in April 2005.

ED-100A is an update of, and supersedes ED-100 of September 2000. It represents the minimum set of interoperability requirements and allocations necessary to provide adequate assurance that the elements of the communication, navigation, and surveillance/ air traffic management (CNS/ATM) system are compatible with each other and when operating together will perform their intended functions. These elements comprise the aircraft system, the air traffic service provider (ATSP) system, and the operator’s provisions to use the air traffic services, which may include third party or contracted communication services.


€175.00 excl VAT See details
ED-102A - MOPS for 1090 MHz Extended Squitter Automatic Dependant Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) and Traffic Information Services – Broadcast (TIS-B) with Corrigendum 1


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 350,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 500,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2009.

This document is ED-102A issued in December 2009 with Corrigendum 1 issued in January 2012. The Corrigendum is also incorporated throughout the document.

This document contains Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for airborne equipment for Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) and Traffic Information Service – Broadcast (TIS-B) utilizing 1090 MHz Mode-S Extended Squitter (1090ES). Compliance with these standards by manufacturers, installers and users is recommended as one means of assuring that the equipment will satisfactorily perform its intended functions under conditions encountered in routine aeronautical operations.

€500.00 excl VAT See details
ED-145 - Airport-CDM Interface Specification


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 84,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 120,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in October 2008.

Airport Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) is an important enabler of Air Traffic Management (ATM) capacity and efficiency. The concept of Airport CDM does not imply any particular system or architecture. Rather, it is an approach to using aeronautical data, based on sharing data between all Partners, ensuring a common view of the ATM and airport environment on all levels. Airport CDM also addresses the need for operational decisions to be made collaboratively thus providing a substantial contribution to maximising capacity and efficiency.
Although Airport CDM is applicable to all phases of flight, the Airport CDM concept has seen its first prototypes and trials at airports and this document is therefore dedicated to Airport CDM. An Airport CDM Task Force was created under the EATM Airport Throughput Business Division (APT) of EUROCONTROL, and documents created by this Task Force have contributed significantly to the development of this document.
Airport Collaborative Decision Making is about improving the way operational Partners at airports and the European ATM network work together at an operational level.

€120.00 excl VAT See details
ED-146 - Guidelines for Test and Validation Related to Airport CDM Interoperability


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 84,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 120,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in October 2008.

Airport Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) is an important enabler of Air Traffic Management (ATM) capacity and efficiency. The concept of Airport CDM does not imply any particular system or architecture. Rather, it is an approach to using aeronautical data, based on sharing data between all Partners, ensuring a common view of the ATM and airport environment on all levels. Airport CDM also addresses the need for operational decisions to be made collaboratively thus providing a substantial contribution to maximising capacity and efficiency.

Although Airport CDM is applicable to all phases of flight, the Airport CDM concept has seen its first prototypes and trials at airports and this document is therefore dedicated to Airport CDM. An Airport CDM Task Force was created under the EATM Airport Throughput Business Division (APT) of EUROCONTROL, and documents created by this Task Force have contributed significantly to the development of this document.
Airport Collaborative Decision Making is about improving the way operational Partners at airports and the European ATM network work together at an operational level.

€120.00 excl VAT See details
ED-102A Corrigendum 1


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 49,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in January 2012.

This document is a supplement to ED-102A. It contains corrections to typographical errors, corrections to test procedures and notes added to clarify existing text. These changes represent feedback from industry use of the published version of DO-260B. This supplement does not alter any existing requirements and does not affect the compliance of any equipment designed to meet the original published document.

€70.00 excl VAT See details
ED-151 - Operational Services and Environment Definition (OSED) for Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) and Meteorological (MET) Data Link Services


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 77,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 110,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2007.

This document presents the AIS and MET data link services that are envisaged to be implemented within the next decade in both the USA and Europe. It is presented in an Operational Service and Environment Definition (OSED) form, which was developed based on the criteria set forth in EUROCAE ED-78A / RTCA DO-264 "Guidelines for Approval of the Provision and Use of Air Traffic Services Supported by Data Communications". The OSED describes the intended AIS and MET data link services and the assumptions about the environment in which they operate.

€110.00 excl VAT See details
ED-152 - Aircraft Precipitation Static Certification


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 63,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 90,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in June 2010.

This document provides general information on aircraft surface p-static charging mechanisms and the impact p-static has on aircraft systems. It addresses elements of effective aircraft p-static control design. Finally, it defines methods for verifying acceptable aircraft p-static control.

€90.00 excl VAT See details
ED-153 - Guidelines for ANS Software Safety Assurance


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 168,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 240,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in August 2009.

This document applies to software that forms part of an ANS system. The scope of this extends to the overall lifecycle of software within an ANS system, however this document considers aircraft software out of scope and is therefore limited to the “ground” segment of ANS.

€240.00 excl VAT See details
ED-154A - Future Air Navigation System 1/A (FANS 1/A) – Aeronautical Telecommunications Network (ATN) Interoperability Standard


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 192,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 275,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2012.

This document provides interoperability requirements to enable FANS 1/A aircraft and ATN aircraft to co-exist in the same operational environment.

€275.00 excl VAT See details
ED-155 - MOPS Lightweight Flight Recording Systems


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 91,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 130,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in July 2009.

This document defines the minimum specification to be met for aircraft required to carry lightweight flight recording systems which may record aircraft data, cockpit audio, airborne images or data-link messages in a robust recording medium primarily for the purposes of the investigation of an occurrence (accident or incident). It is applicable to robust on-board recording systems, ancillary equipment and their installation in aircraft.

This document can also be used to give guidance to manufacturers intending to develop or install lightweight flight recording systems which maybe used for or other purposes such as flight training, flight data monitoring.

€130.00 excl VAT See details
ED-156A - ADS-B Application Interoperability Requirements for VDL Mode 4


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 63,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 90,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2010.

This document needs to be used in conjunction with the Safety, Performance and Interoperability Requirements document for ADS-B Applications. It provides a supplement that defines the requirements for ADS-B-application interoperability to be achieved using VDL Mode 4. The requirements contained in this document provide assurance that a VDL Mode 4 system will perform the intended function in an acceptably safe manner for the operations defined in the OSEDs for the various applications.

€90.00 excl VAT See details
ED-159 - Safety and Performance and Interoperability Requirements Document for ATSA-ITP Application (Including Supplement of July 2012)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 182,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 260,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in July 2008.

This document provides the minimum operational, safety, and performance requirements (SPR) and interoperability requirements (INTEROP) for the implementation of enhanced Airborne Traffic Situational Awareness (ATSA) for “In-Trail Procedure” (ITP).

€260.00 excl VAT See details
Safety and Performance and Interoperability Requirements Document for the In-Trail Procedure in Oceanic Airspace (ATSA-ITP) Application


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 0,00€

Non member: 0,00€


Issued in July 2012.

The purpose of this supplement is to highlight changes to ATSA‐ITP that have resulted from this additional standards development related activity.

€0.00 excl VAT See details
ED-104A - MOPS for Ground Ice Detection Systems


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 66,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 95,00€ (excl VAT)


No longer maintained

Issued in June 2003.

This EUROCAE Minimum Operational Performance Specification (MOPS) specifies the minimum performance requirements of Ground Ice Detection Systems (GIDS). These systems may be mounted onboard the airplane, or be groundbased. They may provide information for indication and/or control.

€95.00 excl VAT See details
ED-160 - Safety and Performance and Interoperability Requirements Document for Enhanced Visual Separation on Approach (ATSA-VSA)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 91,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 130,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2008.

This document provides the minimum operational, Safety, and Performance Requirements (SPR) and Interoperability Requirements (INTEROP) for theimplementation of Airborne Traffic Situational Awareness (ATSA) for “Enhanced Visual Separation on Approach” (VSA).

€130.00 excl VAT See details
ED-161 - Safety and Performance and Interoperability Requirements Document for ADS-B-RAD Application


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 161,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 230,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in September 2009.

This document defines and allocates the set of minimum requirements for the end-to-end operational, safety, performance and interoperability aspects for implementations of the ADS-B-RAD application. Requirements are allocated to the necessary domains of the CNS/ATM system, i.e., at Aircraft and Ground Domain level.

€230.00 excl VAT See details
ED-163 - Safety and Performance and Interoperability Requirements Document for ADS-B Airport Surface Surveillance Application (ADS-B-APT)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 175,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 250,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2010.

This document defines and allocates the set of minimum requirements for the end-to-end operational, safety, performance and interoperability aspects for implementations of the ADS-B-APT application.

€250.00 excl VAT See details
ED-105A - Aircraft Lightning Test Method


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 49,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in July 2013.

This document presents test techniques for simulated lightning testing of aircraft and the associated systems.

This document does not include design criteria nor does it specify which items should or should not be tested. Acceptable levels of damage and/or pass/fail criteria for the qualification tests must be approved by the cognizant certification authority for each particular case.

When lightning tests are a part of a certification plan, the test methods described herein are an acceptable means, but not the only means, of meeting the test requirements of the certification plan.

€70.00 excl VAT See details
ED-106A - Data Link Application System Document (DLASD) for “Oceanic Clearance” (OCL) Datalink service


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 63,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 90,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2004.

This document is intended to capture minimum interoperability, performance and safety requirements for a service based on data-link communications used for Oceanic Clearance.

€90.00 excl VAT See details
ED-107A - Guide to certification of Aircraft in a High Intensity Radiated Field (HIRF) Environment


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 105,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 150,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued on July 2010.

This document provides technical guidance to demonstrate compliance with aircraft High-Intensity Radiated Field (HIRF) regulations.

€150.00 excl VAT See details
ED-164 - Safety and Performance and Interoperability Requirements Document for Enhanced Traffic Situational Awareness During Flight Operations (ATSA-AIRB)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 196,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 280,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2010.

This document provides the minimum operational, Safety and Performance Requirements (SPR) and Interoperability Requirements (INTEROP) for the implementation of Airborne Traffic Situational Awareness (ATSAW) for “Enhanced Traffic Situational Awareness during flight operations” (ATSA AIRB).

The ATSA-AIRB application is fully defined in the Operational Services and Environment Definition (OSED) found in Annex A.

€280.00 excl VAT See details
ED-108A - MOPS for VDL Mode 4 Aircraft Transceiver (presented in 2 parts)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 115,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 165,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in September 2005.

ED-108A defines the technical specifications for Very High Frequency (VHF) Digital Link (VDL) Mode 4 aeronautical mobile (airborne) radio transmitters, transceivers and receivers for air-ground and air-air communications operating in the VHF band, as defined in ICAO VHF Digital Link (VDL) Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs).

The document is presented in 2 parts. Part 1 defining the minimum operational performance standards specifications for the VDL Mode 4 Aircraft Transceiver supporting core functionality. Part 2 sets forth minimum operational performance specifications for the VDL Mode 4 Aircraft Transceiver supporting a full Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) capability and, optionally, the additional functionality of Traffic Information Service – Broadcast (TIS-B) and/or Flight Information Service – Broadcast (FIS-B).

€165.00 excl VAT See details
ED-165 - Safety and Performance and Interoperability Requirements Document for ATSA-SURF Application


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 175,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 250,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2010.

This document provides the minimum operational, Safety, and Performance Requirements (SPR) and Interoperability Requirements (INTEROP) for the implementation of enhanced Airborne Traffic Situational Awareness (ATSA) for Surface (SURF) Operations.

The primary goal of the ATSA-SURF application is to reduce the potential for errors, runway and taxiway incursions, and collisions by providing enhanced situational awareness to the flight crew operating an aircraft on the airport surface, and including final approach, landing and takeoff operations in the vicinity of the airport surface.

€250.00 excl VAT See details
ED-175 - Safety and Performance requirements (SPR) for Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) and Meteorological (MET) Data Link Services


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 112,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 160,00€ (excl VAT)


No longer maintained

Issued in January 2011.

This document specifies minimal baseline operational Safety and Performance Requirements (SPR) for the data link delivery of AIS and MET information as the primary means of communications between air and ground.

The aim of the AIS and MET data link services is to provide aeronautical and meteorological information for flight efficiency and/or hazard avoidance in all flight environments.

Four AIS/MET data link services are covered in this SPR: an aeronautical update service that provides current updates of aeronautical information; and three weather decision services that provide current updates of meteorological information designed to support flight crew decisions in three time categories (planning, near term and immediate decisions). The document is based on a notional architecture and is not intended for implementation and operational use until validation activities are completed. It provides a framework and a methodology to be used as the basis for assessing implementation of new data link systems or architectures as candidates for AIS and/or MET data link services.

€160.00 excl VAT See details
ED-179B - MASP for Enhanced Vision Systems and Synthetic Vision Systems and Combined Vision Systems and Enhanced Flight Vision Systems


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 147,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 210,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in September 2011.

This document addresses Enhanced Vision Systems (EVS), Synthetic Vision Systems (SVS) and Combined Vision Systems (CVS) technologies. DO-315B adds system design criteria for use of SVS for lower-than-standard Category I ILS minima.

€210.00 excl VAT See details
ED-181 - Guidance for the Development of Airborne Collision Avoidance Systems


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 91,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 130,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in September 2010.

This document discusses the role of airborne collision avoidance from other traffic.

The purpose is to provide guidance on the design of airborne collision avoidance systems. While the paper contains many statements that probably imply the need for requirements, it is not a requirements document, and the words “shall” and “should” have been avoided where possible.

€130.00 excl VAT See details
ED-194A - Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for Aircraft Surveillance Applications (ASA) System (Including Supplement)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 350,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 500,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in June 2014.

This document contains Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for the Aircraft Surveillance Applications (ASA) System. These standards specify system characteristics that should be useful to designers, manufacturers, installers and users of the equipment.

Note: version superseded by ED-194B.

€500.00 excl VAT See details
ED-195A - Safety and Performance and Interoperability Requirements Document for Airborne Spacing Flight-deck Interval Management (ASPA-FIM)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 304,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 435,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in September 2015.

This document provides the minimum operational, Safety and Performance Requirements (SPR) and Interoperability Requirements (INTEROP) to implement Airborne Spacing (ASPA) - Flight Deck Interval Management (FIM) in support of an identified set of operational scenarios.

€435.00 excl VAT See details
ED-109A - Software Integrity Assurance Considerations for CNS/ATM Systems - with Corrigendum 1


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 175,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 250,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in January 2012 (incl. Corrigendum 1 released in February 2021).

This document provides guidelines for the assurance of software contained in non-airborne CNS/ATM systems and provides recommendations for the production of that software commensurate with a level of confidence in safety. ED-109A defines a set of objectives recommended to establish assurance that the developed CNS/ATM software has the integrity needed for use in a safety-related application.


€250.00 excl VAT See details
ED-110B - Interoperability Requirements Standard for Aeronautical Telecommunication Network Baseline 1 (Interop ATN B1)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 136,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 195,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2007.

ED-110B is an update of, and supersedes, ED-110A of August 2004. It provides the interoperability requirements standard for the initial implementation of the Aeronautical Telecommunications network (ATN), which supports several Air Traffic Services.

€195.00 excl VAT See details
ED-110B Change 1 - Interoperability Requirements Standard for Aeronautical Telecommunication Network Baseline 1 (Interop ATN B1)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 35,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 50,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2014.

Change 1 to ED-110B.

€50.00 excl VAT See details
ED-201 - Aeronautical Information System Security (AISS) Framework Guidance


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 105,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 150,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2015.

This document describes the overarching context of the shared responsibility for Aeronautical Information Systems Security (AISS) through the identification and description of topics, which have to be addressed. It also provides an introduction to all documents related to Aeronautical Information Systems Security (AISS) published by EUROCAE, which are (at the time of publication):

• ED-202A Airworthiness Security Process Specification
• ED-203 Airworthiness Security Methods and Considerations
• ED-204 Information Security Guidance for Continuing Airworthiness

These documents are complemented by ER-013 "Aeronautical Information System Security Glossary".

This document was superseded by ED-201A.

€150.00 excl VAT See details
ED-111 - Functional specifications for CNS/ATM Recording (including Amendment N°1 – 30 July 2003)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 56,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 80,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in July 2002.

It provides requirements for ground recording of CNS/ATM messages transmitted from and to aircraft, ATC and Airlines facilities.

€80.00 excl VAT See details
ED-202A - Airworthiness Security Process Specification


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 105,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 150,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in June 2014.

This document is a resource for Airworthiness Authorities (AA) and the aviation industry for certification when the development or modification of aircraft systems and the effects of intentional unauthorized electronic interaction can affect aircraft safety. It deals with the activities that need to be performed in support of the airworthiness process when it comes to the threat of intentional unauthorized electronic interaction (the “What”).

€150.00 excl VAT See details
ED-112A - MOPS for Crash Protected Airborne Recorder Systems


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 161,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 230,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in September 2013.

This document defines the minimum specification to be met for all aircraft required to carry flight recorders which may record flight data; cockpit audio; images and data link digital messages; in a crash survivable recording medium for the purposes of the investigation of an occurrence (accident or incident). It is applicable to on board crash-protected recorders, ancillary equipment and their installation in civil aircraft.


€230.00 excl VAT See details
ED-113 - Aircraft Lightning Direct Effects Certification


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 56,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 80,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in September 2002.

It provides guidance for a means of compliance with regulations against lightning direct effects for aircraft of conventional design or involving new technologies.

€80.00 excl VAT See details
ED-204 - Information Security Guidance for Continuing Airworthiness


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in June 2014.

ED-204 provides guidance for the following stages of the product life cycle: operation, support, maintenance, administration and deconstruction.

Note: version superseded by ED-204A.

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-114A - MOPS for Global Navigation Satellite Ground Based Augmentation System Ground Equipment to Support Category I Operations


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 133,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 190,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2013.

This document contains Minimum Operational Performance Specification (MOPS) for a Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS) Ground Subsystem, as part of a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) to support Category I precision approach and landing based on GPS L1.


The present version was superseded by ED-114B.

Change 1 to ED-114A was issued in October 2017.


€190.00 excl VAT See details
ED-215 - Software Tool Qualification Considerations - with Corrigendum 1


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 150,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 215,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in January 2012 (incl. Corrigendum 1 released in February 2021).

Software tools are widely used in multiple domains to assist in developing, verifying and controlling other software.


€215.00 excl VAT See details
ED-115 - MOPS for Light Aviation Secondary Surveillance Radar Transponders


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 66,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 95,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in August 2002.

This document specifies the LAST operational performance.

This low cost transponder is dedicated to equip general and light aviation including microlight aircraft, gliders, air balloons, UAV and other small aircraft, and should contribute to the improvement of global aviation safety.

€95.00 excl VAT See details
ED-216 - Formal Methods supplement to ED-12C and ED-109A


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 150,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 215,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in January 2012.

This supplement identifies the additions, modifications and substitutions to ED-12C and ED-109A objectives when formal methods are used as part of a software life cycle, and the additional guidance required. It discusses those aspects of airworthiness certification that pertain to the production of software, using formal methods for systems approved using ED-12C.

€215.00 excl VAT See details
ED-116 - MOPS for Surface Movement Radar Sensor Systems for Use in A-SMGCS


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 73,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 105,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in January 2004.

This document specifies the minimum performance specifications for basic Surface Movement Radar(SMR) application in a multi-sensor A-SMGCS. A SMR provides non-cooperative detection of moving and stationary objects on the surface of an aerodrome.

€105.00 excl VAT See details
ED-217 - Object-Oriented Technology and Related Techniques Supplement to ED-12C and ED-109A


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 150,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 215,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in January 2012.

This supplement identifies the additions, modifications and deletions to ED-12C and ED-109A objectives when object-oriented technology or related techniques are used as part of the software development life cycle and additional guidance is required.

This supplement, in conjunction with ED-12C, is intended to provide a common framework for the evaluation and acceptance of object-oriented technology (OOT) and related techniques (RT)-based systems.

€215.00 excl VAT See details
ED-117A - MOPS for Mode S Multilateration Systems for Use in Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems (A-SMGCS)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 143,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 205,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in September 2016.

This EUROCAE Minimum Operational Performance Specification (MOPS) specifies the minimum performance requirements for a Multilateration (MLAT) System which is one of the co-operative sensors for use in Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems (A-SMGCS).

€205.00 excl VAT See details
ED-218 - Model-Based development and verification supplement to ED-12C and ED-109A


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 150,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 215,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in January 2012.

This supplement contains modifications and additions to ED-12C and ED-109A. Objectives, activities, explanatory text and software life cycle data that should be addressed when model-based development and verification are used as part of the software life cycle.

€215.00 excl VAT See details
ED-219 - Aircraft Fuel Cell Safety Guidelines


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 91,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 130,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in February 2013.

The purpose of this document is to identify the unique safety criteria for the integration of fuel cell systems into aircraft. This document relates to the overall design, construction, operation and safety of fuel cell installations for aircraft including the integration of the fuel systems (and other fuel cell systems containing potentially hazardous fluids as defined in this document) into the aircraft.

€130.00 excl VAT See details
ED-220 - Guidelines for the Verification and Validation of AMDB ASRN for Routing Applications


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 77,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 110,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2013.

This is a guidance document on the concepts, methods, and criteria for verification and validation of an Aerodrome Surface Routing Network (ASRN). The ASRN of an Aerodrome Mapping Database (AMDB) is a connected network defined by node and edge features that support taxi routing functions (e.g. D-Taxi) and other applications (e.g. the ones developed within SESAR and NextGen). Such applications contribute to situational awareness as well as safety, capacity, and efficiency of operations.

€110.00 excl VAT See details
ED-119C - Interchange Standards for Terrain and Obstacle and Aerodrome Mapping Data


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 210,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 300,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in October 2015.

A common database interchange standard for terrain, obstacle, and aerodrome databases is a key success factor for the implementation of digital functions in the aviation domain. It will enable a common interchange between data originators, data integrators, and system designers. It increases efficiency and safety.

€300.00 excl VAT See details
ED-221A - Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System II (TCAS II) Hybrid Surveillance


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 175,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 250,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2015.

Revision A to ED-221 (which is technically identical to RTCA DO-300A plus Change 1) provides additional requirements to help prevent spurious Resolution Advisories during transitions from active to passive surveillance.

€250.00 excl VAT See details
ED-120 - Safety and Performance Requirements Standard For Initial Air Traffic Data Link Services In Continental Airspace (SPR IC)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 122,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 175,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in May 2004.

This document defines and allocates the set of minimum requirements for the operational, safety, and performance aspects for initial implementations of data link services supporting Air Traffic Services in continental airspace.

These services include Data Link Initiation Capability (DLIC), Data link services for ATC communications, Flight Information Service (FIS) and Data link services for surveillance (FLIPCY).

€175.00 excl VAT See details
ED-222 - Aeronautical Mobile Airport Communications System (AeroMACS) profile


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 52,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 75,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in November 2013.

This Aeronautical Mobile Airport Communications System (AeroMACS) Profile document specifies the unique adaptations required to enable the current IEEE 802.16-2009 standard to specify technical requirements for wireless data communications to mobile stations on an airport surface.

The purpose and scope section concentrates on introducing the technology and describes the process for the AeroMACS profile development. It defines the bounds of the investigations, the required cooperation between RTCA, EUROCAE, and the WiMAX Forum™ and provides a clear scope prescribing guidelines for profile development. In this section various glossary terms used in the document are described.

€75.00 excl VAT See details
ED-120 Change 1 – Safety and Performance Requirements Standard For Initial Air Traffic Data Link Services In Continental Airspace (SPR IC)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 31,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 45,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in April 2007.

Change 1 to ED-120.

€45.00 excl VAT See details
ED-223 - Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for the Aeronautical Mobile Airport Communication System (AeroMACS


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in October 2013.

This document contains Minimum Operational Performance Standards for both the Airborne Component and Ground Based base station of the Aeronautical Mobile Airport Communication System (AeroMACS).

Compliance with these standards is recommended as one means of assuring that the equipment will perform its intended function(s) satisfactorily under all conditions normally encountered in routine aeronautical operation. Any regulatory application of this document is the sole responsibility of appropriate governmental agencies. These standards specify system characteristics that should be useful to designers, manufacturers, installers and users of the equipment.

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-224 - MASPS for Flight Guidance System (FGS) Coupled to Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 98,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 140,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2014.

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance when designing, installing and testing Flight Guidance System coupling to TCAS.

€140.00 excl VAT See details
ED-120 Change 2 – Safety and Performance Requirements Standard For Initial Air Traffic Data Link Services In Continental Airspace (SPR IC)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 31,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 45,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in October 2007.

Change 2 to ED-120.

€45.00 excl VAT See details
ED-225 - Ice and Rain Minimum Qualification Standards for Pitot and Pitot-Static Probes


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 133,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 190,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in February 2016.

This standard provides a consistent means to evaluate electrically heated Pitot and Pitot-static probes for in-flight ice and rain conditions that may be experienced in service.

€190.00 excl VAT See details
ED-227 - Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards (MASPS) AeroMACS


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 245,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 350,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in September 2016.

The purpose of this MASPS is to define the system performance requirements and to outline possible implementation options (architectures, use cases) for AeroMACS.

€350.00 excl VAT See details
ED-121 - MOPS for Trolleys and Containers and Associated Equipment Components


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 73,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 105,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in September 2004.

This document specifies the minimum performance requirements of in-flight trolleys, containers and associated equipment such as drawers, trays and waste bin liners intended for installation in galleys and other areas of transport category aeroplanes.

€105.00 excl VAT See details
ED-228A - Safety and Performance Requirements Standard for Baseline 2 ATS Data Communications (Baseline 2 SPR Standard)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 259,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 370,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2016.

This standard provides the operational, safety, and performance requirements (SPR) for the implementation of data communication services that support air traffic services (ATS). It is intended to support the communication element of the implementation of communication, navigation, and surveillance / air traffic management (CNS/ATM) systems in worldwide application.

Data link communications are expected to be used for routine or frequent types of transactions.

Data link communications are expected to be used for communication functions in which the use of voice communication is considered inefficient or unnecessary, thereby reducing voice-channel use and, where resulting controller workload reduction allows increases in sector size, reduction in the number of required voice channels.

€370.00 excl VAT See details
ED-122 - Safety and Performance Standard for Air Traffic Data Link Services in Oceanic and Remote Airspace (Oceanic SPR Standard)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 122,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 175,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2007.

This standard provides the operational, safety, and performance requirements (SPR) for the implementation of air traffic data link services in oceanic and remote airspace. It is intended to be used by air traffic service providers (ATSPs), communication service providers, aircraft manufacturers/modifiers, operators, military, and civil aviation authorities for the implementation of communication, navigation, and surveillance/air traffic management (CNS/ATM) systems in worldwide application.


€175.00 excl VAT See details
ED-229A - Interoperability Requirements Standard for Baseline 2 ATS Data Communications (Baseline 2 Interop Standard)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 210,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 300,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2016.

This document provides the interoperability requirements (INTEROP) standard for the implementation of the Air Traffic Service (ATS) applications supporting the Baseline 2 data link services as specified in the Baseline 2 Safety and Performance Requirements (SPR) document [10]. This document addresses the interoperability of the ATS applications using the Aeronautical Telecommunication Network (ATN).

€300.00 excl VAT See details
ED-230A - Interoperability Requirements Standard for Baseline 2 ATS Data Communications and FANS 1/A Accommodation (FANS 1/A – Baseline 2 Interop Standard)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 126,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 180,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2016.

This standard was developed to enable air traffic service providers (ATSPs) to interoperate with FANS 1/A data link equipped aircraft. The standard is intended to support the goal of converging oceanic and continental data link applications.

€180.00 excl VAT See details
ED-231A - Interoperability Requirements Standard for Baseline 2 ATS Data Communications and ATN Baseline 1 Accommodation (ATN Baseline 1 - Baseline 2 Interop Standard)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 126,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 180,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2016.

This standard was developed to enable air traffic service providers (ATSPs) to interoperate with data link equipped aircraft when one of the systems is still compliant with the Baseline 1 Standard.

€180.00 excl VAT See details
ED-232 - Safety and Performance and Interoperability Requirements document for Traffic Situation Awareness with Alerts (TSAA)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 140,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 200,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in June 2014.

This document provides the minimum operational, Safety and Performance Requirements (SPR) and Interoperability Re uirements INTEROP) for the implementation of Traffic Situation Awareness with Alerts TSAA)

€200.00 excl VAT See details
ED-122 Change 1 - Safety and Performance Standard for Air Traffic Data Link Services in Oceanic and Remote Airspace (Oceanic SPR Standard)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 56,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 80,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in February 2011.

This document provides unambiguous Controller-Pilot Datalink Communications (CPDLC) Message definitions that will be used by FANS 1/A Datalink systems in support of In-Trail Procedures (ITP) operations. It includes changes resulting from work on Advanced ATS Datalink services definition. The Sections and Tables affected are provided. The document is a coordinated effort with RTCA.

€80.00 excl VAT See details
ED-233 - Safety and Performance Requirements document for CDTI Assisted Visual Separation (CAVS)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 140,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 200,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in June 2014.

This document provides the minimum operational, Safety and Performance Requirements (SPR) for the implementation of the “CDTI (Cockpit Display of Traffic Information) Assisted Visual Separation” (CAVS) application.

€200.00 excl VAT See details
ED-234 - User Guide Supplement to ED-14G


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 91,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 130,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in January 2015.

The purpose of this document is to provide users of ED-14G/DO-160G additional background information for the associated test procedures and requirements in ED-14G.

€130.00 excl VAT See details
ED-235 - MASPS for Foreign Object Debris Detection System


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 150,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 215,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in February 2016.

This document is the Minimum Aviation System Performance Specification (MASPS) for Automatic FOD Detection Systems. It specifies system and equipment characteristics that should be used by designers, installers, manufacturers, service providers and users of systems intended for operational use at aerodromes. Functional requirements are used wherever possible to allow flexibility in the design of sub-system equipment.

€215.00 excl VAT See details
ED-236 - Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for Flight-deck Interval Management (FIM)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 262,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 375,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in November 2015 (including supplementary material).

This document was prepared jointly by EUROCAE Working Group 51 (WG-51) and RTCA Special Committee 186 (SC-186).

This document contains the Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for the Flight-deck-based Interval Management (FIM) application building upon the MOPS for the Aircraft Surveillance Applications (ASA) System.

€375.00 excl VAT See details
ED-237 - MASPS for Criteria to detect In-Flight Aircraft Distress Events to trigger Transmission of Flight Information


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 171,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 245,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in February 2016.

This document defines the minimum specification to be met for criteria which can be used to detect an in-flight aircraft distress event and to trigger the transmission of sufficient information for the purpose of locating an accident site. It only specifies characteristics that are relevant to the logic used for event detection and trigger activation/cancellation. These characteristics should be useful as guidance material to regulatory authorities, designers, installers, manufacturers, service providers and users of systems intended for operation.

Compliance with these specifications is recommended as one means of assuring that the criteria will meet the intended function(s) satisfactorily under the specific conditions encountered in distress conditions, as well as under conditions normally encountered in routine aeronautical operations for the environments intended. The MASPS may be implemented by one or more regulatory documents and/or advisory documents (for example certifications, authorisations, approvals, commissioning, advisory circulars, notices) and may be implemented in part or in total. Any regulatory application of this document is the sole responsibility of appropriate governmental authorities.

€245.00 excl VAT See details
ED-239 - Aircraft Design and Certification for Portable Electronic Device (PED) Tolerance


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 105,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 150,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2016.

This documents complements ED-130A.

€150.00 excl VAT See details
ER-001 - Evaluation of a Proposal to Replace the TCAS RA “Adjust Vertical Speed” With “Level-Off”


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 52,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 75,00€ (excl VAT)


No longer maintained

Issued in September 2011.

This report concerns SA-AVSA: the unintentional response in the wrong direction to “Adjust Vertical Speed, Adjust” (AVSA) RAs. An investigation of this issue and of its causes has been conducted by the Operations Working Group (OWG) of RTCA SC147 ([RTCA1]). RTCA SC147 has already validated a solution (referred to as CP112E) to SA01 ([RTCA2]).

€75.00 excl VAT See details
ER-002 - Policy Guidance for Fuel Tank Structural Lightning Protection Policy


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 0,00€

Non member: 0,00€


Issued in February 2010.

This document is intended to provide guidance to manufacturers who may apply this policy to their type design programs and to establish criteria to encourage a consistent approach be applied across industry. The content of this document has been developed by the SAE AE-2 and EUROCAE WG-31 lightning committees.

Manufacturers should coordinate directly with their certifying authority to ensure that their proposed application of this policy is acceptable and the means of compliance and compliance data planned are sufficient for certification.

€0.00 excl VAT See details
ER-003 - Definition and Taxonomy for Foreign Object Debris


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 35,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 50,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in May 2013.

The aim of this work is to develop a universally agreed and unambiguous definition of what constitutes Foreign Object Debris (in the context of an aerodrome) and how it can be usefully classified.

€50.00 excl VAT See details
ER-004 - A Concept for UAS Airworthiness Certification and Operational Approval


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 336,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 480,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in November 2010.

The overall Concept report comprises five volumes and one supplement:
ER-004_Volume 1: General Considerations for Civilian Operation of Unmanned Aircraft
ER-004_Volume 2: Unmanned Aircraft System Operations
ER-004_Volume 3: Unmanned Aircraft Systems Airworthiness Certification
ER-004_Volume 4: Unmanned Aircraft Systems for Visual Line of Sight Operations
ER-004_Volume 5: Command and Control Considerations for Unmanned Aircraft
Note: At the time of publication of ER-004 volumes 1 to 4, volume 5 is still in the process of being developed.
ER-004_Supplement: Abbreviations and Terminology for Unmanned Aircraft Systems.

The five volumes of this report, together with a terminology supplement, present concepts for the airworthiness certification, operational approval, radio spectrum provision, and security management of unmanned aircraft systems. The goal is to contribute to the establishment of a regulatory framework based on the existing regulatory environment for civil aviation that will allow qualified unmanned aircraft to operate in airspace without segregation from manned aircraft and without degrading airspace efficiency and safety.

€480.00 excl VAT See details
ER-005 - Contiguous Aircraft/System Development Process Example


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00€ (excl VAT)


No longer maintained

Issued in June 2012.

This document provides additional supporting material for the implementation of the processes described in ED-79A/ARP4754A. Although technically identical, the documents (ER-005 and AIR 6110) present a limited number of editorial differences. ED-79A/ARP4754A contains information which places the information in this ER in context. This ER should be used in conjunction with the main body and the appendices of ED-79A/ARP4754A. In addition, this example shows the interrelationships with ARP4761.

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-123 - MOPS for Flight Deck Door Monitoring System


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 56,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 80,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2005.

This document provides a specification for the minimum performance requirements of a system to provide the flight crew with a view of the area outside the flight deck door. It provides information on the design, installation and certification of the system and is expected to become a basis for new equipment and installation standards.

€80.00 excl VAT See details
ED-124 - Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) Development and Guidance and Certification Consideration


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 91,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 130,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in June 2007.

This document provides guidance for IMA developers, integrators, applicants, and those involved in the approval and continued airworthiness of IMA systems. It provides specific guidance for the assurance of IMA systems as differentiated from traditional federated avionics.

€130.00 excl VAT See details
ER-007 - Recommendations for revision of ED-78A


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00€ (excl VAT)


No longer maintained

Issued in June 2012.

The report addresses coordination processes leading towards safety, performance and interoperability assessment, with an eventual aim to support also airworthiness certification and operational approval.

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-125 - Process for Specifying Risk Classification Scheme and Deriving Safety Objectives in ATM


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 91,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 130,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued on March 2010.

This document provides guidelines for the specification of a Risk Classification Scheme (RCS) within the framework of EUROCONTROL Safety Regulatory Requirements ESARR 4 “Risk Assessment and Mitigation in ATM” (Ref[1]).

This document may be used in supporting National Regulators and ATM Service Providers (ATMSP) to specify a common and harmonized Risk Classification Scheme and to derive quantitative Safety Objectives tailored to the ATM service provision in their operational environment in order to drive their ATM system design.

€130.00 excl VAT See details
ER-009 - Guidance Material for the Generation of Aerodrome Mapping Databases


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 0,00€

Non member: 0,00€


Issued in December 12.

This document provides guidance for Aerodrome Mapping Database (AMDB) generation. It is aligned with ED-99B, User Requirements for Aerodrome Mapping Information, and ED-119A, Interchange Standards for Terrain, Obstacle and Aerodrome Mapping Data. Updates and changes resulting from new revisions ED-99C and ED-119B as listed in APPENDIX B are not considered and not included in this document, but may follow in a subsequent version.

€0.00 excl VAT See details
ER-010 - UAS / RPAS Airworthiness Certification - "1309" System Safety Objectives and Assessment Criteria


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 0,00€

Non member: 0,00€


Issued in July 2013.

EUROCAE WG-73 has reviewed and debated the topics related to UAS Safety objectives and assessment criteria.

This document addresses UAS applications with no people onboard.

The purpose of this EUROCAE report is, on one hand to sum up the results of these debates and reviews on selected major topics and on the other hand to provide a set of subsequent recommendations to the official bodies, such as the EASA and European Commission, as also identified in the ERSG Roadmap.

€0.00 excl VAT See details
ER-011 - Validation of the FGS Coupled to TCAS MASPS Requirements


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 17,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 25,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in November 2013.

The project consists in verifying that the requirements included in the MASPS under development (i.e. ED-224) are acceptable as they slightly vary from the simulations conducted in the context of the SESAR work that were used as the basis for the MASPS development.

This document describes the simulations conducted, the results obtained and concludes on the acceptability of the MASPS requirements.

€25.00 excl VAT See details
ER-012 - Command and Control and ATC Communications Operational Concept (C3 CONOPS) for Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in June 2015.

A widely shared commitment to integrate “remotely piloted aircraft systems” (RPAS) into the European airspace has been building up for several years. Such a development in aviation operations must be supported by the demonstration that RPAS meet the current safety requirement and do not decrease the current safety levels.

Several initiatives aimed to achieve this integration of RPAS are progressing rapidly and in parallel but their coordination is loose. This is a source of concern in the light of the need for consistency, standardisation and interoperability, especially in a critical domain like Command, Control and ATC Communications (C3).

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ER-013 - Aeronautical Information System Security Glossary


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 0,00€

Non member: 0,00€


Issued in December 2015.

This document is concerned with providing a glossary of terms for Aeronautical Information Systems Security (AISS). This Glossary is primarily intended to provide assistance to the users of the following EUROCAE Documents:

- ED-201 Aeronautical Information System Security (AISS) Framework Guidance (2015)
- ED-202A Airworthiness Security Process Specification (2014)
- ED-203 Airworthiness Security Methods and Considerations (2015)
- ED-204 Information Security Guidance for Continuing Airworthiness (2014).

The definitions represent the meanings understood and shared by the Aeronautical Information System Security Community and each Term in the Glossary definitions has a cross reference to the information source

€0.00 excl VAT See details
ED-126 - Safety and Performance and Interoperability Requirements Document for ADS-B-NRA Application


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 154,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 220,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2006.

This document was developed based on guidance for SPR and INTEROP standards contained in EUROCAE ED-78A/RTCA DO-264, "Guidelines for Approval of the Provision and Use of Air Traffic Services Supported by Data Communications". This document provides the minimum ADS-B-NRA requirements and allocations of these requirements to both air and ground domains.

€220.00 excl VAT See details
ER-014 - Light Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (LRPAS) Visual Line of Sight (VLOS) Operations Guidance material for Regulators and Operators


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00€ (excl VAT)


No longer maintained

Issued in April 2016.

The document contains guidance material to facilitate the approval and safe execution of Visual Line of Sight (VLOS) operations by Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS). It provides background information on the aspects of Safety, Security, Organisational Approvals and Flight Crew proficiency necessary to implement a risk based approach for the approval of operations in VLOS scenarios.

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-96 - Requirements Specification for an Avionics Computer Resource (ACR)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 63,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 90,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in July 2000.

An Avionics Computer Resource is a general purpose computer platform which provides a hardware capability, together with core software and signal conditioning, which can implement a number of different avionics functions and can interface with a variety of avionics systems. This document provides a framework in which the development and certification processes of an ACR can be implemented. Descriptions are given of the documentation, configuration tools and environment which must be specified by the ACR supplier.

€90.00 excl VAT See details
ED-244 - UAS / RPAS FLIGHT CREW LICENSING Skill Test and Proficiency Check Report Form


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00€ (excl VAT)

This document is no longer maintained.

Issued in February 2017.

Aircraft shall be operated in accordance with the applicable requirements and standards like those in, e.g., the Annexes to the ICAO convention. The first of these Annexes, ‘Personnel Licensing’ addresses inter alia the licensing of pilots on basis of knowledge, experience, and skills, in which:

- Knowledge is tested by theoretical exams,
- Experience is obtained by actual flying, and
- Skills are verified by an examiner during a skill test (or ‘proficiency check’) and recorded on a checklist, known as ‘proficiency check / skill test form’.

Unmanned aircraft1 are not different from their manned counterparts, whilst operating.


€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-241 - Minimum Operational Performance Specification for Altimetry Function


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 73,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 105,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in February 2017.

This minimum operational performance specification covers altimetry function.

It is designed to ensure that compliant equipment for altimetry function will meet the performance standard required to support Reduced Vertical Separation Minima (RVSM) operation throughout the operational life of the system.

€105.00 excl VAT See details
ED-238 - Operational Services and Environment Definition (OSED) for Traffic Awareness and Collision Avoidance (TAACAS) in Class A and B and C Airspace for Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) Operating under Instrument Flight Rules


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 115,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 165,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in April 2017.

This document is the Operational Services and Environment Definition (OSED) for the Traffic Awareness and Collision Avoidance capability of a Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) operating in Class A, B and C Airspace under Instrument Flight Rules and abnormal operation in the other airspace from D to G.


€165.00 excl VAT See details
ED-137/1C - Interoperability Standards For VoIP ATM Components (Volume 1: Radio)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 98,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 140,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in April 2017.

This document supersedes ED-137/1B issued in January 2012.

The present document proposes a profile standard for the use of SIP to establish, terminate and modify speech media sessions of the Ground Radio communication service in an Air Traffic Services Ground Voice Network (AGVN).

€140.00 excl VAT See details
ED-147A - ATM Validation Platforms Interoperability Specification


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 234,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 335,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in April 2017.

This document specifies a Common Standard for the Interoperability of ATM Validation Platforms of various origins in order for them to be capable of running jointly in the common framework of a common ATM Simulation validation exercise.

€335.00 excl VAT See details
ED-245 - MASPS for Installation of Fuel Cell Systems on Large Civil Aircraft


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 80,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 115,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in April 2017.

€115.00 excl VAT See details
ED-246 - Process Specification for Wireless On-board Avionics Networks


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 140,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 200,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in July 2017.

This document is intended to provide guidance on the airworthiness certification process for electronic aircraft equipment installed or integrated on board an aircraft, featuring a wireless communication function to allow for exchange of information with other equipment installed or integrated on board the same aircraft. These wireless communication functions are part of the aircraft configuration and their proper functioning will need to be approved through airworthiness certification authorities. These systems are named Wireless On-board Avionics Network (WOBAN) systems throughout this document.

€200.00 excl VAT See details
ER-015 - Feasibility study weather radar for ice crystal detection


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 98,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 140,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in August 2017.

In parallel with the US HIWC and European HAIC projects, the European Organization for Civil Aviation Equipment (EUROCAE) Working Group WG-95 (Long Range Awareness subgroup), in association with the RTCA Special Committee SC-230, was tasked with demonstrating the maturity and the feasibility of using an X-band radar system for long-range detection of ice crystal conditions.
This feasibility study document details the context of the study and a description of the intended function (situational display of regions ahead of the aircraft that present potential hazards to the aircraft due to ice crystals).

€140.00 excl VAT See details
ED-114A Change 1 - MOPS for Global Navigation Satellite Ground based Augmentation System Ground Equipment to Support Category I Operations


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 31,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 45,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in October 2017.

Change 1 to ED-114A.

€45.00 excl VAT See details
ED-247 - Technical Specification for Virtual Interoperable Simulation for Tests of Avionics Systems in Virtual or Hybrid Bench


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 84,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 120,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in October 2017.

Physical test benches used in the aircraft development process are complex platforms with high initial and recurring costs. They are generally on the critical path of the development and cannot be easily multiplied to increase the validation capacity.
One way to avoid these difficulties can be Virtual Testing approach. It is a promising solution that has already demonstrated its benefits in other industries like Cell phone. However, in the avionics industry, it brings specific challenges as systems are complex, hardware heterogeneous and coming from multiple suppliers with different infrastructures.

€120.00 excl VAT See details
ED-103A - MOPS for Inflight Icing Detection Systems


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 84,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 120,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in November 2017.

This document supersedes ED-103 "MOPS for Inflight Icing Detection Systems".

The document has been updated to address:

a. Supercooled Large Drops (SLD) Icing Conditions of CS-25/14 CFR part 25, Appendix O.
b. Ice Water (Ice Crystals and Mixed-Phase) Icing Conditions of CS-25, Appendix P/14 CFR part 33, Appendix D.
c. CS-25/14 CFR part 25, Appendix O and CS-25, Appendix P/14 CFR part 33, Appendix D and associated regulatory and regulatory compliance means changes on FIDS equipment design, tests and demonstration.


€120.00 excl VAT See details
ED-250 - Minimum Operational Performance Standard for a Runway Overrun Awareness and Alerting System


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 196,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 280,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2017.

This document defines the Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for a Runway Overrun Awareness and Alerting System (ROAAS). These standards specify system characteristics and requirements that should be useful to designers, manufacturers, installers, certification authorities and users of the Equipment.

€280.00 excl VAT See details
ED-249 - MASPS for Aircraft State Awareness Synthetic Vision Systems


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 80,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 115,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in January 2018.

This MASPS provides high level system requirements for an Aircraft State Awareness SVS (ASA SVS). This document expands the previously defined DO-315A intended function of an SVS beyond that of supplemental view of the external scene to include enhanced aircraft attitude and energy state awareness. This document defines a system that is intended to be presented full-time on the pilots’ full color Primary Flight Displays (PFD).


€115.00 excl VAT See details
ED-248 - Guide to Civil Aircraft Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 84,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 120,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in January 2018.

The document has to:

- provide guidance and best practices for demonstrating civil aircraft
   electromagnetic compatibility, and
- address compliance with aircraft safety requirements and consider intended performance of non-required
  and non-essential aircraft systems as potential source of nuisance.

Guidance has to be developed for equipment EMC qualification, aircraft system level verification,
wiring installation and aircraft level EMC verification. The most relevant approaches have to be
identified, developed and properly documented.

€120.00 excl VAT See details
ER-016 - RPAS 5030-5091 MHz CNPC LOS and BLOS compatibility study


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2018.

This document presents a compatibility study between a Line-of-Sight (also referred to as Terrestrial) and Beyond-Line-of-Sight (also referred to as Satellite) system operating in the 5030-5091MHz frequency band.

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-251 - Operational Services and Environment Definition for RPAS Automatic Taxiing


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in April 2018.

The purpose of this Operational Services and Environment Definition (OSED) is to provide a basis for assessing and establishing operational, safety, performance, and interoperability requirements for the Automatic Taxiing capabilities for a Remoted Piloted Aircraft System.

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-252 - Operational Services and Environment Definition for RPAS Automatic Take-off and Landing


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in May 2018.

This Operational Services and Environment Definition (OSED) document provides the basis for assessing and establishing operational, safety, performance and interoperability requirements for the Automatic Take-Off and Landing (ATOL) capability of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS), requirements further detailed in the associated complementary documents: Interoperability (INTEROP) and Safety and Performance Requirements (SPR) documents. This chapter introduces the ATOL concept, illustrates the organization of the information to describe the concept and lists the inputs used as reference baseline.

Note: document superseded by ED-283.

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ER-008 - Development of Atmospheric Neutron Single Event Effects Analysis for Use in Safety Assessments


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 73,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 105,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in April 2018.

Development of Atmospheric Neutron Single Event Effects Analysis for Use in Safety Assessments
Work carried out jointly with SAE

€105.00 excl VAT See details
ER-017 - International Aeronautical Information Security Mapping Summary


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 73,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 105,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2018.

Mapping of all ASS related international activities in order to identify and avoid gaps and overlaps in the resulting standardisation and regulation.

€105.00 excl VAT See details
ED-203A - Airworthiness Security Methods and Considerations


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 315,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 450,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in June 2018.

Airworthiness security is the protection of the airworthiness of an aircraft from intentional unauthorized electronic interaction. Existing safety processes have not had to consider intentional disruption.

This document provides methods and considerations for showing compliance for airworthiness security during the aircraft life cycle. It was developed as a companion document to ED-202A / DO-326A "Airworthiness Security Process Specification" which addresses security aspects of aircraft certification and to ED-204 / DO-355, "Information Security Guidance for Continuing Airworthiness" which addresses airworthiness security for continued airworthiness.

The methods and considerations of this document provide guidance for accomplishing the airworthiness security process activities identified in ED-202A / DO-326A.


€450.00 excl VAT See details
ED-254 - Arrival Sequence Service Performance Standard


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 133,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 190,00€ (excl VAT)


The current document contains a standardised SWIM service design for an AMAN Sequence Service. This standardised service design follows the specification documents for service descriptions as provided by EUROCONTROL. Together with them, it can be used as a basis to implement SWIM Service instances. Those service instances would be on a very high level of interoperability as they follow common requirements on the logical and technical levels.
A full service description encompasses a logical service design, which is technology agnostic and transfers the operational information requirements into a description of the SWIM service on a conceptual level and a description of the technical service design.
This document contains the standardised service design for the Arrival Sequence Service, which can be taken as a blueprint for further SWIM service standardisation activities.

€190.00 excl VAT See details
ER-018 - SWIM Service Standardisation Package


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 84,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 120,00€ (excl VAT)


The present EUROCAE report encompasses the comprehensive analysis performed by WG-104 in the SWIM area, for ease of reference and possible application by interested stakeholders.
The following parts provide an overview about the deliverables WG-104 has produced as individual reports, and how they can be used for standardisation of future services. These reports have been grouped under ER-018 and published as one comprehensive EUROCAE report.

€120.00 excl VAT See details
ED-92C - Minimum Operational Performance Standard (MOPS) for an Airborne VDL Mode-2 System Operating in the Frequency Range 118-136.975 MHz


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 220,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 315,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in September 2018.

This document contains the Minimum Operational Performance Specifications (MOPS) and test procedures for aircraft Very High Frequency (VHF) Digital Link (VDL) Mode 2 physical, link and network layer protocol components which comprise an avionics transmitter/receiver (transceiver) function intended to be used for air-ground (A/G) data communications.

€315.00 excl VAT See details
ER-019 - Inputs to RPAS AMC 1309


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 0,00€

Non member: 0,00€


Issued in October 2018.

This  document  was  prepared  by  the  AMC  1309  Subgroup SG-41 of  the  EUROCAE “UAS” Working Group 105 Focus Team # 4 (Design & Airworthiness).


€0.00 excl VAT See details
ED-257 - Safety Performance and Interoperability Requirements Document Defining Takeoff Minima by Use of Enhanced Flight Vision Systems


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 80,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 115,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in October 2018.

The requirements specified in this document are necessary to provide adequate assurance that the aircraft systems and other systems, when operating together, will perform their intended function – EFVS Takeoff – in an acceptably safe manner for the operations defined in the OSED. The system here includes the interaction and interoperability with ground and air navigation service provider elements.

€115.00 excl VAT See details
ED-256 - MOPS for ACAS Xa with ACAS Xo functionality


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 700,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 1000,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in October 2018.

ED-256 consists of two Volumes plus supplementary material:

Volume I: MOPS for ACAS Xa with Xo Functionality
This document sets forth minimum operational performance standards for the Active (Xa) and special Operations (Xo) system variants of Airborne Collision Avoidance System X (ACAS X) equipment.
ACAS X is intended to improve air safety by acting as a last-resort method of preventing mid-air collisions or near mid-air collisions (NMAC) between aircraft. By utilizing surveillance information from Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) and ADS-B technology, ACAS X equipment operates independently of ground-based aids and air traffic control (ATC). Aircraft equipped with ACAS X have the ability to interrogate airborne transponders and receive ADS-B Messages to determine the location of other aircraft in the vicinity and assess the risk of collision.

Volume II: Algorithm Design Description (ADD)
This document provides the Algorithm Design Description (ADD) for the Surveillance and Tracking Module (STM) and the Threat Resolution Module (TRM) of the next generation Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS X). The algorithms are described at a sufficiently high level to allow for implementation in a variety of software languages and hardware platforms, thereby providing maximum freedom to manufacturers while ensuring the intended output from the system. This document provides descriptions of the algorithm’s operations.

€1,000.00 excl VAT See details
ED-62B - MOPS for Aircraft Emergency Locator Transmitters 406 MHz


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 133,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 190,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2018.

This document supersedes the ED-62A “Minimum Operational Performance Specification for Aircraft Emergency Locator Transmitters 406 MHz and 121.5 MHz (Optional 243 MHz)” dated February 2009.
As compared with the previous document, the main changes are:
a.    Introduce next generation ELTs specifications,
b.    Specifications for GNSS position information that is used in ELTs,
c.    Power source specifications,
d.    Crash safety specifications,
e.    Second generation homing specifications
f.    Improved Antenna and Cabling Specifications,
g.    In-flight distress tracking ELT(DT) specifications.

€190.00 excl VAT See details
ED-91A - Lightning Zoning


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 77,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 110,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in January 2019.

This ED defines lightning strike zones and provides guidelines for locating them on particular aircraft. The revision incorporates changes throughout that are consistent with in-service reports on aircraft lightning attachment that were collected to support a review of coherence between the zoning established process and the likely and unlikely zones of lightning attachment observed in service.

€110.00 excl VAT See details
ED-255 - MASPS for a Combined Vision Guidance System for Rotorcraft Operations


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 77,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 110,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in January 2019.

This document contains Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards for a Combined Vision System for Rotorcraft Operations.
Compliance with these standards is recommended as one means of assuring that the system and each subsystem will perform its intended function(s) satisfactorily under conditions normally encountered in routine aeronautical operations for the environments intended.

€110.00 excl VAT See details
ED-258 - OSED for Detect & Avoid [Traffic] in Class D-G airspaces under VFR/IFR


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 80,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 115,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in January 2019.

The purpose of this Operational Services and Environment Definition (OSED) is to provide a basis for assessing and establishing operational, safety, performance, and interoperability requirements for the Detect And Avoid [Traffic] (DAA) Remain Well Clear (RWC) and Collision Avoidance (CA) functions in Class D-G Airspaces, for a Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS).

The intended audience are the future users and personnel whose work will be affected by the introduction of DAA. This includes Remote Pilots (RP), RPAS System Developers, Pilots of all classes of aircraft, Air Navigation Service Providers, Air Traffic Controllers (ATCo), Civil Aviation Authorities, Regulatory Authorities, Aircraft Operators, Aircraft Manufacturers, Avionics Manufacturers, Military Authorities and Military Aircraft Operators.

€115.00 excl VAT See details
ED-77A - User Requirements for Navigation Data


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 119,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 170,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in Janury 2019.

This document provides industry requirements for navigation databases for aeronautical use by identified applications. It attempts to state the information requirements for users. The expectation is that navigation data originators, navigation data providers, and application integrators would use this document when providing those data to system designers and/or users. This document provides an industry recommended basis for DQRs to facilitate end user development in support of an intended function.

This revision refines the scope to navigation data, provides an overview of Performance Based Navigation (PBN) and System Wide Information Management (SWIM) concepts in relation to navigation data, defines a data catalog, expands the set of data quality requirements, and provides new guidance on procedure design and coding. It addresses applications and related data needs that have emerged since the last revision. Definitions were also reviewed and updated throughout the document to maintain compatibility with other database and data processing standards.

€170.00 excl VAT See details
ED-259 - MOPS for Galileo - Global Positioning System - Satellite-Based Augmentation System Airborne Equipment


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 147,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 210,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in February 2019.

This standard specifies the minimum performance expected from GPS / Galileo / SBAS dual-frequency L1/L5 airborne equipment. This initial issue is focused on equipment processing signals broadcast by GPS satellites, Galileo satellites and geostationary SBAS satellites providing correction and integrity data, but no ranging data. It is meant to support prototyping activities linked to the SBAS L5-provided integrity monitoring capability with a Class Beta-like equipment, then evolve into a complete MOPS enabling the development of certified avionics.

€210.00 excl VAT See details
ED-140A - Minimum Operational Performance Standard for Air Data Modules


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 105,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 150,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2019.

This minimum operational performance standard is for aircraft Air Data Modules (ADM) that measure static or total pressure. It is designed to ensure that compliant equipment for static pressure measurement will meet the performance standard required to support Reduced Vertical Separation Minima (RVSM) operation throughout the operational life of the system.

€150.00 excl VAT See details
ED-253 - OSED for Automation and Emergency Recovery


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 133,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 190,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2019.

Document superseded by ED-281.

Operational Services and Environment Definition (OSED) for RPAS Automation & Emergency Recovery functions.
This OSED provides a basis for assessing and establishing operational, safety, performance, and interoperability requirements for the A&ER capabilities for an Remote Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) flying in non-segregated airspace. This document seeks to characterize those differentiated attributes of RPAS and define their relationship to air traffic services, other airspace participants, and operating environments of the defined airspace.
This OSED captures high level requirements that have been derived and/or validated as being necessary for the automation and emergency recovery capabilities.

€190.00 excl VAT See details
ED-205 - Process Standard for Security Certification and Declaration of ATM ANS Ground Systems


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 84,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 120,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2019.

ED-205 provides a process to assess the extent to which the ATM/ANS ground systems are appropriately secure for use. The process is able to be used to identify, evaluate and manage impacts on safety, operational delivery and other commercial concerns.
This document is a resource for certification or declaration of conformity with applicable security requirements.

€120.00 excl VAT See details
ED-130A Change 1 - Guidance for the Use of Portable Electronics Devices (PEDs) On Board Aircraft - Change 1


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 35,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 50,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in April 2019.

Proposed change to paragraph 6.2.2 aiming at improving the interpretation of section 6.2.2 covering low powered technologies.

€50.00 excl VAT See details
ED-242A - MASPS for AMS(R)S Data and Voice Communications supporting RCP and RSP


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 231,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 330,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2019.

This document contains Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards (MASPS) for Aeronautic Mobile Satellite (Route) Services (AMS(R)S) that provide safety communications to aircraft in airspace where 1) procedural separation is applied or 2) ATS surveillance services are provided.

Note: version superseded by ED-242B.

€330.00 excl VAT See details
ED-243A - MOPS for Avionics Supporting Next Generation Satellite Systems (NGSS)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 385,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 550,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2019.

This document contains minimum operational performance standards(MOPS) for avionics that provide Aeronautical Mobile Satellite (R) Services (AMS(R)S) by means of satellite communications technologies scheduled to become operational in context of the global and regional ATM and CNS modernization (e.g. ICAO/Global Air Navigation Plan, Europe/SESAR, US/NextGen).

Note: version superseded by ED-243B.

€550.00 excl VAT See details
ED-194A Change 1 - MOPS for Aircraft Surveillance Applications System


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in April 2019.

These MOPS for the ASA System contain requirements for processing, control and display of traffic and Ownship information for use by the flight crew in performing airborne applications. Change 1 to Revision A will address errors found in the Traffic Situation Awareness with Alerting (TSAA) application test vectors.

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-137/2C - Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components (Volume 2: Telephone)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 80,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 115,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2019.

The scope of ED-137 is to define the rules for VoIP implementations to support ATM communications and their interoperability. ED-137 is composed of multiple Volumes, each of which is dedicated to a specific application.
Volume 2 proposes a profile standard for the use of SIP to establish, terminate and modify speech media sessions of the Ground Telephone Service in an Air Traffic Services Ground Voice Network (AGVN). Volume 2 is composed of a core document describing the basic requirements and a number of addenda dedicated to specifc functionalities.

€115.00 excl VAT See details
ED-137/2C-1 - Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components (Volume 2: Telephone) - Addendum 1


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 87,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 125,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2019.

The scope of ED-137 is to define the rules for VoIP implementations to support ATM communications and their interoperability. ED-137 is composed of multiple Volumes, each of which is dedicated to a specific application.
Volume 2 proposes a profile standard for the use of SIP to establish, terminate and modify speech media sessions of the Ground Telephone Service in an Air Traffic Services Ground Voice Network (AGVN). Volume 2 is composed of a core document describing the basic requirements and a number of addenda dedicated to specifc functionalities.
Addendum 1 describes the Legacy Interworking of telephone systems applying ATS-R2, ATS-No.5 And ATS-QSIG.

€125.00 excl VAT See details
ED-137/2C-2 - Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components (Volume 2: Telephone) - Addendum 2


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2019.

The scope of ED-137 is to define the rules for VoIP implementations to support ATM communications and their interoperability. ED-137 is composed of multiple Volumes, each of which is dedicated to a specific application.
Volume 2 proposes a profile standard for the use of SIP to establish, terminate and modify speech media sessions of the Ground Telephone Service in an Air Traffic Services Ground Voice Network (AGVN). Volume 2 is composed of a core document describing the basic requirements and a number of addenda dedicated to specifc functionalities.
Addendum 2 describes the provisions for the FAA Legacy Telephone Interworking.

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-137/2C-3 - Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components (Volume 2: Telephone) - Addendum 3


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2019.

The scope of ED-137 is to define the rules for VoIP implementations to support ATM communications and their interoperability. ED-137 is composed of multiple Volumes, each of which is dedicated to a specific application.
Volume 2 proposes a profile standard for the use of SIP to establish, terminate and modify speech media sessions of the Ground Telephone Service in an Air Traffic Services Ground Voice Network (AGVN). Volume 2 is composed of a core document describing the basic requirements and a number of addenda dedicated to specifc functionalities.
Addendum 3 describes the requirements for Instantaneous Access Calls.

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-137/2C-4 - Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components (Volume 2: Telephone) - Addendum 4


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2019.

The scope of ED-137 is to define the rules for VoIP implementations to support ATM communications and their interoperability. ED-137 is composed of multiple Volumes, each of which is dedicated to a specific application.
Volume 2 proposes a profile standard for the use of SIP to establish, terminate and modify speech media sessions of the Ground Telephone Service in an Air Traffic Services Ground Voice Network (AGVN). Volume 2 is composed of a core document describing the basic requirements and a number of addenda dedicated to specifc functionalities.
Addendum 4 describes the requirements for Override Calls.

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-137/2C-5 - Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components (Volume 2: Telephone) - Addendum 5


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2019.

The scope of ED-137 is to define the rules for VoIP implementations to support ATM communications and their interoperability. ED-137 is composed of multiple Volumes, each of which is dedicated to a specific application.
Volume 2 proposes a profile standard for the use of SIP to establish, terminate and modify speech media sessions of the Ground Telephone Service in an Air Traffic Services Ground Voice Network (AGVN). Volume 2 is composed of a core document describing the basic requirements and a number of addenda dedicated to specifc functionalities.
Addendum 5 describes the requirements for Voice Calls.

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-137/2C-6 - Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components (Volume 2: Telephone) - Addendum 6


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2019.

The scope of ED-137 is to define the rules for VoIP implementations to support ATM communications and their interoperability. ED-137 is composed of multiple Volumes, each of which is dedicated to a specific application.
Volume 2 proposes a profile standard for the use of SIP to establish, terminate and modify speech media sessions of the Ground Telephone Service in an Air Traffic Services Ground Voice Network (AGVN). Volume 2 is composed of a core document describing the basic requirements and a number of addenda dedicated to specifc functionalities.
Addendum 6 describes the requirements for the Extended Call Forward function.

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-137/2C-7 - Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components (Volume 2: Telephone) - Addendum 7


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2019.

The scope of ED-137 is to define the rules for VoIP implementations to support ATM communications and their interoperability. ED-137 is composed of multiple Volumes, each of which is dedicated to a specific application.
Volume 2 proposes a profile standard for the use of SIP to establish, terminate and modify speech media sessions of the Ground Telephone Service in an Air Traffic Services Ground Voice Network (AGVN). Volume 2 is composed of a core document describing the basic requirements and a number of addenda dedicated to specifc functionalities.
Addendum 7 describes the requirements for Hotline Access Calls.

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-137/2C-8 - Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components (Volume 2: Telephone) - Addendum 8


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2019.

The scope of ED-137 is to define the rules for VoIP implementations to support ATM communications and their interoperability. ED-137 is composed of multiple Volumes, each of which is dedicated to a specific application.
Volume 2 proposes a profile standard for the use of SIP to establish, terminate and modify speech media sessions of the Ground Telephone Service in an Air Traffic Services Ground Voice Network (AGVN). Volume 2 is composed of a core document describing the basic requirements and a number of addenda dedicated to specifc functionalities.
Addendum 8 describes the requirements for Radio Intercom Calls.

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-137/4C - Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components (Volume 4: Recording)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2019.

The scope of ED-137 is to define the rules for VoIP implementations to support ATM communications and their interoperability. ED-137 is composed of multiple Volumes, each of which is dedicated to a specific application.
ED-137 Volume 4 proposes a profile standard for the use of RTSP to establish, terminate and control recording sessions of the Ground Telephone Service and the Radio Service in an Air Traffic Services Ground Voice Network (AGVN).

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-137/5C - Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components (Volume 5: Supervision)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€

Non member: 100,00€


Issued in March 2019.

The scope of ED-137 is to define the rules for VoIP implementations to support ATM communications and their interoperability. ED-137 is composed of multiple Volumes, each of which is dedicated to a specific application.
The objective of Volume 5 (Supervision) is to provide the Network Supervision Component with a common informative description of the supervised objects, so as to allow its users to understand how the overall VoIP ATM Network is performing, to identify faulty elements, and to possibly propose/implement corrective actions.

€100.00 excl VAT See details
Supplementary material to ED-236


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 0,00€

Non member: 0,00€


Issued in November 2015.

€0.00 excl VAT See details
ED-263 - Minimum Operational Performance Standard for On Board Weight and Balance Systems


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 77,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 110,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in June 2019.

This document contains the Minimum Operational Performance Standard for On Board Weight and Balance Systems for Large Aeroplanes (CS-25). These standards specify the minimum performance expected from such an On Board Weight and Balance System.
Compliance with this standard is recommended as one means of assuring that the equipment will perform its intended function(s) satisfactory under all conditions normally encountered in routine aeronautical operation.
This minimum operational performance standard is designed to ensure that equipment compliant to it will get the necessary regulatory approval (this is generally facilitated by the recognition of such standards by the relevant authorities as an acceptable means of compliance with the applicable regulations).

€110.00 excl VAT See details
ED-87D - MASPS for A-SMGCS including new Airport safety Support Service Routing Service and Guidance Service


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 129,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 185,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in June 2019.

This document contains the Minimum Aviation System Performance Specification (MASPS) for A-SMGCS. It specifies system and equipment characteristics that should be useful to designers, installers, manufacturers, service providers and users of systems intended for operational use at aerodromes. Functional requirements are used wherever possible to allow flexibility in the design of sub-system equipment. This specification was produced with the knowledge of existing and proven installations and in accordance with the latest results from research projects such as SESAR. Adherence to this specification is intended to enable early operational implementation of a system at an aerodrome in accordance with the aerodrome's operational requirements. This document does not cover datalink services and detection of pedestrians, animals or Foreign Object Debris (FOD).

€185.00 excl VAT See details
ED-260 - MASPS for Coexistence of Wireless Avionics Intra-Communication Systems within 4 200-4 400 MHz


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 77,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 110,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in June 2019.

This document contains Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards (MASPS) for coexistence of Wireless Avionics Intra-Communication (WAIC) systems operating within the 4200-4400 MHz radio frequency band. It provides designers of WAIC systems with guidance on how to demonstrate coexistence of WAIC with other aircraft systems using the same radio frequency spectrum.

€110.00 excl VAT See details
ED-55 - MOPS for flight data recorder systems


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 161,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 230,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in May 1990.

The standards specified in this document define the requirements to be met in all aircraft required to carry a flight data recorder system for the purposes of accident investigation. The standards apply to recorders, ancillary equipment and their installation in aircraft.


Note: version superseded by ED-112A.

€230.00 excl VAT See details
ED-56 - MOPS for Cockpit Voice Recorder System


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 161,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 230,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in February 1988.

This specification defines an improved minimum performance standard to increase the usefulness of cockpit voice recorders.


Note: version superseded by ED-112A.

€230.00 excl VAT See details
ED-56A - MOPS for Cockpit Voice Recorder System


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 161,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 230,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 1993.

This document defines the minimum specification to be met for all aircraft required to carry a Cockpit Voice Recorder system for the purposes of the investigation of a reportable accident. It is applicable to non-deployable, crash protected voice recorders, ancillary equipment and their installation in civil aircraft.

Note: version superseded by ED-112A.

€230.00 excl VAT See details
ED-112 - MOPS for Crash Protected Airborne Recorder Systems


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 161,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 230,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2003.

This document defines the minimum specification to be met for all aircraft required to carry flight recorders which may record Flight Data; Cockpit Audio; Images and CNS/ATM digital messages; in a crash survivable recording medium for the purposes of the investigation of an occurrence (accident or incident). It is applicable to on board crash protected recorders, ancillary equipment and their installation in civil aircraft.


Note: version superseded by ED-112A.

€230.00 excl VAT See details
ED-194A Change 2 - MOPS for Aircraft Surveillance Applications (ASA) System
Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in September 2019.

In line with the modifications implemented in Change 1 to ED-194A (published in April 2019) changes needed to be done to the actual Test Vectors which are available as supplementary material to ED-194A. These Test Vectors are contained in the file that is linked in the Change 2 document.

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-194A Changes 1 & 2
Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 140,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 200,00€ (excl VAT)

This package includes ED-194A Change 1 & ED-194A Change 2.

€200.00 excl VAT See details
ED-262 - Technical Standard of Aviation Profiles for ATN/IPS
Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 154,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 220,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in September 2019.

Profiles document for the end-to-end interoperability supporting airborne certification. As ATN/IPS is defining a complete network involving avionics and ground systems, there is a need to guidance on the deployment. The document is a set of profiles of existing standards used for the ATN/IPS implementation. Each profile is the minimum set of required (or prohibited) features from a published standard (such as IETF RFCs) agreed by the EUROCAE WG-108 and RTCA SC-223 for global interoperability between IPS systems.
This document provides a first set of mature profiles and is expected to be revised in the future based on the mature definition of ATN/IPS by ICAO.

€220.00 excl VAT See details
ED-256 Change 1 - MOPS for ACAS Xa with ACAS Xo functionality Change 1


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 119,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 170,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in September 2019.


Change 1 to ED-256 contains changes to requirements and tests that were are required to correct issues found during first implementations.

During the first Open Consultation additional comments were raised against ED-256. These comments led to additional change proposals which on request of EASA and FAA shall be included in Change 1.

The respective information was added to the Change 1 document in chapters 1.16 to 1.20. These chapters are the main focus of the second Open Consultation.

€170.00 excl VAT See details
ED-120 Change 3 - Safety and Performance Requirements Standard for Air Traffic Data Link Services in Continental Airspace


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in September 2019.

Change 3 to ED-120 contains provisions for the processing of message type DM89.

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-114B - MOPS For Global Navigation Satellite Ground Based Augmentation System Ground Equipment to support Precision Approach and Landing


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 301,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 430,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in September 2019.

This document contains Minimum Operational Performance Standard (MOPS) for a Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS) Ground Subsystem, as part of a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) to support all categories of precision approach and landing. This minimum operational performance specification is designed to ensure that GBAS ground equipment certified against it will be compatible with the ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices. This issue of the MOPS contains some tests where the detailed procedure is not described. In these cases, the test method needs to be adapted to the specific manufacturer’s Ground Subsystem architecture.

€430.00 excl VAT See details
ER-020 - Considerations for Hydrogen Fuel Cells in Airborne Applications

Issued in November 2019.

The objective of this joint EUROCAE/SAE report is to compile the considerations relating to airborne application of hydrogen fuel cells. This document provides a comprehensive analysis of the use of hydrogen as a fuel by describing its existing applications and the experience gained by exploiting fuel cells in sectors other than aviation.

€155.00 excl VAT See details
ED-266 - Guidance on Spectrum Access Use and Management for UAS


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 84,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 120,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2020.

This document provides guidance on use of radio spectrum for the purpose of communication with Unmanned Airborne Vehicles (UAVs), the airborne part of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). It is also applicable to Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA), the airborne part of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS). Anything involved with spectrum use by UAS of any type for any non-payload purpose is within the scope of this Guidance. Use of spectrum for payload is out of the scope of this Guidance.
It is motivated by challenges to providing access to radio-frequency spectrum to achieve the aspiration to expand the scope of UAS operations to fly further, higher, more often and for a wide range of purposes.

€120.00 excl VAT See details
ED-195B - Safety and Performance and Interoperability Requirements Document for Airborne Spacing Flight-deck Interval Management (ASPA-FIM)
Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 514,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 735,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2020.

This document defines and allocates the set of minimum requirements for the end-to-end operational, safety, performance, and interoperability aspects for implementations of an initial set of IM Operations. The requirements and their initial application are also expected to form the basis for all future ASPA-FIM implementations. Allocation of these requirements is done by this SPR/INTEROP to the necessary domains of the CNS/ATM system, i.e., at aircraft and ground domain level.
Revision B of the SPR requirements is needed to reflect changes in the revised OSED for the FIM applications.

Note: this document supersedes ED-195A.

€735.00 excl VAT See details
ED-236A - Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for Flight-deck Interval Management (FIM)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 308,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 440,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2020.

This document contains the Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for the Flight-deck-based Interval Management (FIM) application building upon the MOPS for the Aircraft Surveillance Applications (ASA) System, EUROCAE ED-194A / RTCA DO-317B. The FIM application requirements in this document are assumed to be integrated in an ASA System that is compliant with all requirements related to the Basic Airborne Situational Awareness (AIRB) application, which is defined in the ASA MOPS, ED-194A / DO-317B, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Revision A of ED-236 contains:
• Removal of the Progress Indicator
• New functional requirements for Non-Coincident Routes
• New functional requirements to support IM sequential clearances
• “IM Speed Conformance” requirements changed to “IM Speed Compliance”
• Improved trajectory recalculation requirements
• Addressed lessons learned from flight test/demo activities
• New functional requirements to support operations enabled by data communications – specifically Controller/Pilot Data Link Communication (CPDLC) and ATS Winds.
• New functional requirements for downlinking FIM Application Information via transponder register.
• New functional requirements to support new information exchanges as defined in ED-102B / DO-260C (Traffic Reported Airspeed, Traffic Sensed Wind, Traffic Static Air Temperature).

Note: this document supersedes ED-236.

€440.00 excl VAT See details
ED-243B - Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Avionics Supporting Next Generation Satellite Systems (NGSS)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 385,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 550,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2020.

This document contains minimum operational performance standards (MOPS) for avionics that provide Aeronautical Mobile Satellite (R) Services (AMS(R)S) by means of satellite communications technologies scheduled to become operational in context of the global and regional ATM and CNS modernization (e.g. ICAO/Global Air Navigation Plan, Europe/SESAR, US/NextGen).
The modifications in this revision B are listed in Appendix F.

Note: this document supersedes ED-243A.

€550.00 excl VAT See details
ED-242B - MASPS for AMS(R)S Data and Voice Communications supporting RCP and RSP


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 231,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 330,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2020.

This document contains Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards (MASPS) for Aeronautic Mobile Satellite (Route) Services (AMS(R)S) that provide safety communications to aircraft in airspace where 1) procedural separation is applied or 2) ATS surveillance services are provided.

The main changes in this revision are:
- Updates in the main document, and in Attachment 1 Inmarsat SwiftBroadband Specific Material, to the naming of the RCP and RSP performance   criteria, in line with the latest naming used in RTCA DO-350A/ED-228A
- Updates in Attachment 1 Inmarsat SwiftBroadband Specific Material, to allow for both cockpit voice calls to be provided via Packet Switched (PS) voice circuits
- Updates in Attachment 1 Inmarsat SwiftBroadband Specific Material, to Appendix B: Interference Model for Emissions Associated with Ancilliary Terrestrial Component (ATCt) Ground Stations

Note: this document supersedes ED-242A.

€330.00 excl VAT See details
ED-247A - Technical Standard for Virtual Interoperable Simulation for Tests of Aircraft Systems in Virtual or Hybrid Bench
Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 126,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 180,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2020.

This document aims to standardise:
-The “Virtual and hybrid testing” approach through the integration of virtual and hybrid test bench components;
-The interfaces (virtualization rules for the different A/C signals and buses, commands, etc.) between virtual and hybrid components;
-The hybridation (mix of real and virtualized components);
-The exchange process between provider and integrator of components compliant with this standard.


this document supersedes ED-247.

Appendix to ED-247A is available here.

€180.00 excl VAT See details
Appendix to ED-247A
Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 0,00€

Non member: 0,00€


Issued in March 2020.

€0.00 excl VAT See details
ED-158 - User Manual for certification of aircraft Electrical and Electronic systems for the indirect effects of lightning


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 269,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 385,00€ (excl VAT)


This document includes the content of ED-81.

Issued in April 2020.

This user's manual provides detailed information, guidance and methods in support of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Advisory Circular (AC) 20-136 entitled Aircraft Electrical and Electronic System Lightning Protection. This AC provides a means, but not the only means, for demonstrating compliance with Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) 23.1306 (up to amendment 63), 23.2515 (amendment 64 and up), 25.1316, 27.1316 and 29.1316, Electrical and Electronic System Lightning Protection. It is also intended for this guide to provide the same information, guidance and methods, to the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Lightning Indirect Effects certification requirements and associated Acceptable Means of Compliance AMC 20-136 entitled Aircraft Electrical and Electronic System Lightning Protection. 


€385.00 excl VAT See details
ED-137/1C Change 1 - Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components (Volume 1: Radio)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€

Non member: 100,00€


Issued in May 2020.

Change 1 to ED-137/1C.

This Change document implements the modifications to ED-137C Volume 1 - Radio - necessary to address the observations of the VoIP Interoperability Event.

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-137/2C Change 1 - Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components (Volume 2: Telephone)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€

Non member: 100,00€


Issued in May 2020.

Change 1 to ED-137/2C.

This Change document implements the modifications to ED-137C Volume 2 - Telephone - necessary to address the observations of the VoIP Interoperability Event.

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-137/4C Change 1 - Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components (Volume 4: Recording)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€

Non member: 100,00€


Issued in May 2020.

Change 1 to ED-137/4C.

This Change document implements the modifications necessary to ED-137C Volume 4 - Recording - to address the observations of the VoIP Interoperability Event.

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-79 - Certification Considerations for highly-integrated or Complex Aircraft Systems


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 80,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 115,00€ (excl VAT)


No longer maintained

Issued in November 1996.

This document discusses the certification aspects of highly-integrated or complex systems installed on aircraft, taking into account the overall aircraft operating environment and functions. The term “highly-integrated” refers to systems that perform or contribute to multiple aircraft-level functions. The term “complex” refers to systems whose safety cannot be shown solely by test and whose logic is difficult to comprehend without the aid of analytical tools.

€115.00 excl VAT See details
ED-269 - Minimum Operational Performance Standard for UAS Geo-Fencing
Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 133,00€

Non member: 190,00€

Issued in June 2020.

This document contains Minimum Operational Performance Standards for the Geofencing function of Unmanned Aircraft Systems. This standard specifies the minimum performance expected from this Geofencing function, without prescribing its design and implementation as far as possible.
Compliance with this standard is recommended as one means of assuring that the Function will perform its intended sub-functions satisfactorily under all conditions normally encountered in routine aeronautical operation and will comply to the applicable regulations.

€190.00 excl VAT See details
ED-62B Change 1 - MOPS for Aircraft Emergency Locator Transmitters 406 MHz - Change 1


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 35,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 50,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in June 2020.

Following the publication of ED-62B, a number of change requests were submitted to address errata, and changes to the standard. This version provides the sections that were modified accordingly.

€50.00 excl VAT See details
ED-270 - MOPS for UAS geocaging


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 129,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 185,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in June 2020.

This document contains Minimum Operational Performance Standard for the Geocaging function of Unmanned Aircraft Systems. This standard specifies the minimum performance expected from this Geocaging function, without prescribing its design and implementation as far as possible.

€185.00 excl VAT See details
ED-194B - MOPS for Aircraft Surveillance Applications (ASA) System


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 360,50€

Non member: 515,00€

Issued in July 2020.

These MOPS for the ASA System contain requirements for processing, control and display of traffic and Ownship information for use by the flight crew in performing airborne applications.

ED-194B consists of the MOPS itself and a set of test data available in a separate file. The link to the supplementary material can be found in the Foreword of the core ED-194B document.

Note: this document supersedes ED-194A.

€515.00 excl VAT See details
ED-272 - MASPS for Remote Pilot Stations supporting IFR operations into non-segregated airspace


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 143,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 205,00€ (excl VAT)

 Issued in August 2020.

This document provides Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards of Remote Pilot Stations (RPS) for Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) within EASA’s Certified Category, with the focus on Air Traffic Integration (ATI) requirements for IFR operation in controlled airspace. The RPS and its operational context is fully defined in the Operational Services and Environment Definition (OSED).
This standard specifies system characteristics, when it is composed of several individual components. It should be useful to designers, manufacturers, installers, service providers and users for systems. Where systems are global in nature, the system will have international applications which are taken into consideration.
It is also driving the development of subsequent MOPS by proving a clear allocation of the system performances between its various individual components.

€205.00 excl VAT See details
ED-274 - OSED for Aerodrome Foreign Object Debris Detection Systems


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 77,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 110,00€ (excl VAT)

This document provides guidance related to the operation of an automatic FOD detection system on an Aerodrome Movement Area. The contents align with ED-235. Compliance with this OSED will facilitate the operational deployment of a FOD Detection System at an aerodrome.

€110.00 excl VAT See details
ED-267 - OSED for Detect and Avoid in Very Low Level Operations


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 84,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 120,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in August 2020.

This document provides the Operational Services and Environment Definition (OSED) for the Detect and Avoid (DAA) capabilities to support very low level (VLL) operations conducted by unmanned aircraft systems (UAS).
It provides a basis for assessing and establishing operational, safety, performance, and interoperability requirements for the DAA capabilities. It seeks to characterize attributes of UAS and to define their relationship to external supporting services, other airspace users, and the environment in which unmanned aircraft (UA) are operated.
This OSED captures high level operational requirements that are derived as being necessary for the candidate’s capabilities. It is intended to be used as a supporting document for implementation of ED-78A / DO-264 process in the definition of Safety and Performances Requirements (SPR) and Interoperability requirements (INTEROP). It is considered as a baseline to support the development of Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards (MASPS) and Minimum Operational Performance Specification (MOPS).

€120.00 excl VAT See details
ER-021 - Report and Outcome of Round Robin Camera Detection Process Verification and Validation


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 77,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 110,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in August 2020.

This document details and reports the result of the Round Robin tests obtained by the contributing European laboratories and the conclusions that have been established and agreed during the different committee sessions. It complements ED-105 test methods.


€110.00 excl VAT See details
ED-264 - Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards (MASPS) for the Interoperability of Airborne Collision Avoidance Systems (CAS)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 77,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 110,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in September 2020.

The MASPS provides requirements that need to be met in order to ensure  interoperability of different types of Collision Avoidance Systems, such as TCAS and ACAS. It specifies system characteristics that should be useful to designers, manufacturers, installers and users of the equipment.

€110.00 excl VAT See details
ED-276 - Guidance on Air to Ground VDL Mode 2 Interoperability


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 77,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 110,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in September 2020.

In the VDL Mode 2 environment where the protocol and infrastructure is a real challenge in terms of interoperability, it is important to provide guidancesrecommendations about how the ground systems are expected to behave and what is the expected avionics answer.

This document aims at defining a coordinated understanding of the ground behaviors in addition to the MOPS which are more related to avionics systems. In particular some out of sync cases have been identified in operations, showing a need for interoperability improvement.

This document supplements DO-224 applicable to ground systems, and the requirements in MASPS still apply. For airworthiness and TSO/E-TSO approval the MASPS have precedence over this document and avionics requirements are defined in the MASPS.

€110.00 excl VAT See details
ED-204A - Information Security Guidance for Continuing Airworthiness


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 126,00€

Non member: 180,00€


Issued in September 2020.

Guidance for Continuing Airworthiness needs to be updated based on outcomes of the ASISSP ARAC and ED-203A update. The ARAC identified guidance needed for supporting continuing airworthiness and the committee working on DO-356A/ED-203A did not consider it appropriate in that document.

Note: this document supersedes ED-204.

€180.00 excl VAT See details
ED-257 Change 1 - Safety Performance and Interoperability Requirements Document Defining Takeoff Minima by Use of Enhanced Flight Vision Systems


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 17,50€

Non member: 25,00€


Issued in September 2020.

This document aims at clarifying a confusion in the Table 1-1 “Summary of Visibility Minima Operation”.

Note: Change 1 to ED-257.

€25.00 excl VAT See details
ED-278 - Concept of Operations for VTOL Aircraft - Volume 1: General Considerations


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 49,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in September 2020.


This document specifies the structure and information expected to be provided by a Concept of Operations (ConOps) for VTOL aircraft.
Volume 1 of this document shall serve as guidance to structure an individual ConOps for VTOL aircraft operations. It is a first  EUROCAE standard in this area and is expected to be complemented by additional Volumes that describe specific standard scenarios in more detail.
This standard for a Concept of Operations applies to and can be used for VTOL aircraft regardless of the certification category (e.g. basic and enhanced according to).
The ConOps identifies all relevant quantitative and qualitative aspects of the operation such as procedures, roles and infrastructure to be described and communicated to and agreed with stakeholders in general or for specific use cases.

€70.00 excl VAT See details
ED-281 - MASPS for RPAS Automation and Emergency Recovery


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 266,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 380,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in October 2020.

This document supersedes ED-253.

This document provides the Minimum Aviation System Performance Standard for the implementation of an Automation and Emergency Recovery (A&ER) capability for a fixed-wing Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) operating in non-segregated airspace and aircraft ground manoeuvring areas. This document is intended to provide globally recognised allocations for performance within the functions of a generic A&ER capability (i.e. both the airborne and the ground-based components of the capability in order to ensure a harmonised approach worldwide leading to enhanced global safety.


€380.00 excl VAT See details
ED-279 - Generic Functional Hazard Assessment (FHA) for UAS/RPAS


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 129,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 185,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in October 2020.

This document aims at generating a UAS/RPAS FHA, to cover the widest possible number of configurations with the aim of providing UAS system developers a framework to support designers when performing the FHA process. In order to support this, the core functions of a UAS have been identified (slightly tailored from the functions list in draft ARP4761-A for manned platforms) and assessed independently of each other.
The production of a Basic FHA is challenging due to the large variance in UAS configurations, meaning that essential functions may not in all cases to be considered independently. Because of this, additional rules have been developed to support the generation of an FHA specific to the implementation being considered.

€185.00 excl VAT See details
ED-280 - Guidelines for UAS safety analysis for the specific category (low and medium levels of robustness)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 133,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 190,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2020.

This document contains guidelines for a UAS operator or manufacturer in order to obtain the evidences that the UAS is designed considering system safety and reliability and perform the required safety analyses to fulfil part of OSO#5 requirements, for low and medium level of robustness, as part of the SORA risk assessment (AMC1 to Article 11 Rules for conducting an operational risk assessment in [1]) under the Specific category of EASA drone regulation [2].

€190.00 excl VAT See details
ED-73F - MOPS for Secondary Surveillance Radar Mode S Transponders


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 416,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 595,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2020.


Revision F of ED-73, MOPS (Minimum Operational Performance Standard) for Secondary Surveillance Radar Mode S Transponders.

The document has been updated to include changes coming from field experience and from new functionalities linked to the new ADS-B version and ACAS X.

As compared with the previous version, the main changes are:
- Reduction of minimum level 2 transponder capabilities to surveillance and GICB capabilities,
- New requirement to limit RF output power transmitted before, between and after the pulses of a reply,
- Introduction of Mode Reply Rate Limiting function,
- Air/ground status determination clarification,
- ACAS X capability reporting and messages,
- Alignment of register 2016 management on register 0816,
- New transponder register formats,
- Cleaning of EHS tests,
- Phase overlay modulation and messages over long Mode S replies option,
- Basic dataflash capability and removal of old dataflash capability option,
-Interrogation and reply monitoring measurement and messages option.

€595.00 excl VAT See details
ED-236A Change 1 - MOPS for Flight-deck Interval Management (FIM)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 217,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 310,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2020.


Change 1 to ED-236 contains Appendix G with the Test Data. the Test Data itself is available as a separate zip-file.
Change 1 to ED-236 also contains potential changes caused by modifications to ED-102B and/or ED-73F.

€310.00 excl VAT See details
Supplementary material to ED-236A Change 1


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 0,00€

Non member: 0,00€


Issued in December 2020.

Supplementary material to ED-236A Change 1.


€0.00 excl VAT See details
Supplementary material to ED-73F


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 0,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 0,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2020.

Supplementary material to ED-73F.

Format: ZIP file.


€0.00 excl VAT See details
ED-275 - MOPS for ACAS Xu (Volume 1)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 441,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 630,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2020.

This document sets forth minimum operational performance standards for the Airborne Collision Avoidance System Xu (ACAS Xu) equipment, designed for platforms with a wide range of surveillance technologies and performance characteristics, such as Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). 

€630.00 excl VAT See details
ED-275 - MOPS for ACAS Xu (Volume 2: Algorithm Design Description)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 392,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 560,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2020.

This document provides the Algorithm Design Description (ADD) for the Surveillance and Tracking Module (STM) and the Threat Resolution Module (TRM) of the next generation Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS Xu).

€560.00 excl VAT See details
ED-275 - MOPS for ACAS Xu


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 700,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 1 000,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2020.


€1,000.00 excl VAT See details
ED-287 - Guidance Document on Aircraft Cleaning and Disinfection


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 84,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 120,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2020.

This guidance document was developed as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic which has decimated the global aviation industry, and whose harmful effects are still being realized. The aviation industry recognizes that the development and adoption of guidance on the cleaning and disinfecting of aircraft can make positive contributions to the safety and wellbeing of aircraft occupants, and help increase confidence in air travel as a mode of transportation in response to current COVID-19 pandemic and possible future health events.

€120.00 excl VAT See details
ED-102B - MOPS for 1090 MHz Extended Squitter ADS-B and TIS-B


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 672,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 960,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2020.

This document supersedes ED-102A and contains the following main changes:

•    Addition of Phase Overlay Modulation
•    Support for Flight Deck Interval Management Applications
•    Improved Geometric Altitude Reporting
•    Specification of a Position Message Format Algorithm
•    Deletion of T-Bit Handling
•    Transmission of Air and Pilot Weather Reports
•    Transmission of Reply Rate Monitor Message
•    Support for UAS/RPAS Operations
•    Support for Sub-orbital High-Velocity Operations

It is technically identical to RTCA DO-260C.

For the implementation of the Phase Overlay functionality, ED-102B refers to patented material from ACSS (Aviation Communication & Surveillance Systems, LLC). ACSS has granted a Commitment to License which is contained in the MOPS in Appendix K.

€960.00 excl VAT See details
Supplementary material to ED-102B


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 0,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 0,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2020.

Supplementary material to ED-102B.

€0.00 excl VAT See details
TWP 2023 (public version)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 0,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 0,00€ (excl VAT)


Approved by the EUROCAE Council on 11 October 2022.

The Technical Work Programme (TWP) provides an overview of the ongoing technical standardisation activities currently undertaken by EUROCAE and a vision of activities to be potentially undertaken in the coming years. It is updated every year by the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and approved by the EUROCAE Council.  

€0.00 excl VAT See details
ED-12C Corrigendum 1


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 0,00 (excl VAT)

Non member: 0,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in February 2021.

This document corrects and updates minor editorial errors.

€0.00 excl VAT See details
ED-94C Corrigendum 1


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 0,00 (excl VAT)

Non member: 0,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in February 2021.

This document corrects and updates minor editorial errors.

€0.00 excl VAT See details
ED-215 Corrigendum 1


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 0,00 (excl VAT)

Non member: 0,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in February 2021.

This document corrects and updates minor editorial errors.

€0.00 excl VAT See details
ED-109A Corrigendum 1


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 0,00 (excl VAT)

Non member: 0,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in February 2021.

This document corrects and updates minor editorial errors.

€0.00 excl VAT See details
ED-277 - MASPS for Aircraft Emergency Locator Transmitter Remote Command via Return Link Service


Full member: 0,00 €

Limited member:  84,00 € (excl VAT)

Non member:  120,00 € (excl VAT)

Issued in February 2021

The social and economic impact of an aircraft disappearance depends on the timeliness to determine the causes of a disappearance and locate the aircraft. Moreover, whenever an accident occurs over water, save people in distress and recovery of flight recorders are particularly difficult.

This document describes the characteristics of Remote Command via the SAR Return Link Service for ELT(DT) in particular for remote activation and deactivation capabilities for an Emergency Locator Transmitter. It is intended to be used for Service Providers and Users of the Return Link Service and focuses on high level concepts and typical functional interface user requirements.

There are situations where a remote activation of an ELT for Distress Tracking (ELT(DT)) could offer the possibility to localize aircraft in-flight (e.g. in cases of a non-cooperative or incapacitated crew). This type of Service complements the automatic activation as recommended by the ICAO Global Aeronautical Distress & Safety System (GADSS).

The pertinence of the remote activation and deactivation functionality by aircraft operators has been recognised and envisaged in the ICAO GADSS Concept of Operations. In addition, this document has relationship with ICAO documentation such as the Annex 11, Annex 12 or for example the DOC10054.

€120.00 excl VAT See details
ED-283 - MASPS for RPAS Automatic Take-off and Landing (ATOL)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 234,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 335,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in February 2021.

This document contains Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards (MASPS) for the Automatic Take-off And Landing (ATOL) system and applications. The ATOL system is fully defined operationally in ANNEX A, the Operational Services and Environment Definition (OSED) document.

Note: this document supersedes ED-252.

€335.00 excl VAT See details
ED-286 - OSED for Counter-UAS in controlled airspace


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 73,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 105,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2021.

In the context recalled in the previous section, the scope of this Operational Services and Environment Definition (OSED) is to introduce the overall capability of a C-UAS System, including the detection capabilities of unauthorized UAS in a protected area of influence around an airport and address the resulting hazard or threat, in a risk-based balanced manner.

€105.00 excl VAT See details
ED-285 - MOPS for offshore Helicopter Terrain Awareness and Warning System (HTAWS)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 119,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 170,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2021.

This document defines the Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for an Offshore Helicopter Terrain Awareness and Warning System (Offshore HTAWS). These standards specify system characteristics that are intended to be useful to designers, manufacturers, installers, and users of Offshore HTAWS.

€170.00 excl VAT See details
ER-022 Artificial Intelligence in Aeronautical Systems: statement of concerns


Full member: 0,00 €

Limited member: 77,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member:  110,00 € (excl VAT) 

Issued in April 2021

In order to provide a means of compliance for the certification of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within safety critical aeronautical systems, the committee must first review existing standards and perform a gap analysis to understand how and why existing standards cannot be reliably used. This document serves as that gap analysis and provides a list of concerns that need to be addressed in order to produce a future means of compliance.

€110.00 excl VAT See details
ED-289 - Guidance on determination of accessible Energy in Battery Systems for eVTOL Applications
Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 45,50 € (excl VAT)

Non member: 65,00 € (excl VAT)


Issued in April 2021.


This document contains minimum requirements for state observer and state predictors of energy storage systems in eVTOL applications.
Compliance with this standard is recommended as one means of assuring that the equipment will perform its intended function(s) satisfactorily under all conditions normally encountered in routine aeronautical operation.
The equipment may also have additional functions for which other MOPS or ETSOs may be applicable or, it may contain additional functions not defined by any MOPS or ETSO and, non ETSO function guidance may be applicable.

€65.00 excl VAT See details
ED-291 - Test Procedures for Quantified Visual Advantage


Full member: 0,00 €

Limited member: 80,50 € (excl VAT)

Non member: 115,00 € (excl VAT)

Issued in May 2021.

This document is limited to providing a method to determine and document the quantified visual advantage (QVA) of an installed Enhanced Flight Vision System (EFVS). This document does not provide any guidance on the design of the EFVS.

QVA determination in this document is based on extensive experience with EFVS systems using infrared (IR) sensors. Future EFVS sensor technologies may require alternate methods to evaluate QVA.

In this document, the term “shall” is used to indicate an agreed to means of measurement of QVA. An approved design should comply with every requirement, which can be assured by inspection, test, analysis, or demonstration. The term “should” is used to denote a recommended method in the collection or analysis of data, but does not constitute a requirement.

€115.00 excl VAT See details
ED-284 - Minimum Aviation System Performance Standard (MASPS) for RPAS Automatic Taxiing


Full member: 0,00 €

Limited member: 227,50 € (excl VAT)

Non member: 325,00 € (excl VAT)

Issued in May 2021.

This document describes the AutoTaxi function necessary for the implementation of the AutoTaxi capability of a fixed-wing RPAS operating in non-segregated, military and civilian, terminal areas and airfields, under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) and in different meteorological conditions without visual assistance of the RP. Moreover, the scope deals with medium complexity airports. The AutoTaxi operational context and concept are fully defined in ANNEX A of this document Next sub-sections just provide a brief description of the AutoTaxi context and outline the high-level functional architecture and interfaces assumed in this document for the technical component of the AutoTaxi service.

€325.00 excl VAT See details
ED-242C - MASPS FOR AMS(R)S Data and Voice Communications supporting RCP and RSP


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 276,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 395,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in June 2021.

This document contains Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards (MASPS) for Aeronautical Mobile Satellite (Route) Services (AMS(R)S) that provide safety communications to aircraft in airspace where 1) procedural separation is applied or 2) ATS surveillance services are provided.

Note: this document supersedes ED-242B.

€395.00 excl VAT See details
ED-243C - MOPS for Avionics Supporting Next Generation Satellite Systems (NGSS)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 441,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 630,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in June 2021.

This document contains minimum operational performance standards (MOPS) for avionics that provide Aeronautical Mobile Satellite (R) Services (AMS(R)S) by means of satellite communications technologies scheduled to become operational in context of the global and regional ATM and CNS modernization (e.g. ICAO/Global Air Navigation Plan, Europe/SESAR, US/NextGen).

Note: this document supersedes ED-243B.

€630.00 excl VAT See details
ER-013A - Aeronautical Information System Security Glossary


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 0,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 0,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in June 2021.

ER-013A provides a revised glossary of terms for Aeronautical Information Systems Security (AISS). This Glossary is primarily intended to provide assistance to the users of joint WG-72 EUROCAE Documents and SC-216 RTCA Documents. The definitions represent the updated meanings understood and shared by the Aeronautical Information System Security Community and each Term in the Glossary definitions has a cross reference to the information source.

€0.00 excl VAT See details
ED-293 - Concept of Operations for VTOL Aircraft – Volume 2: Commercial Passenger Air Taxi Transport


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 66,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 95,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in July 2021.

This document specifies the structure and information expected to be provided by a Concept of Operations (ConOps) for commercial passenger air taxi transport by VTOL aircraft.

€95.00 excl VAT See details
ED-65 - MOPS for passenger protective breathing equipment


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 21,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 30,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in April 1991 (inc. Erratum N°1).

This specification describes the minimum design and performance requirements, qualification tests and acceptance criteria for emergency equipment intended to provide aircraft passengers with protection from the hazardous effects of a toxic and irritant atmosphere during an in-flight fire followed by an emergency landing and subsequent evacuation or an unpremeditated emergency evacuation in conditions involving fire and/or smoke.

€30.00 excl VAT See details
ED-273 - MOPS for Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) Application


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 140,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 200,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in August 2021.

The quick development of the Electronic Flight Bags (EFBs) use over the last years was such that they became a very common and important tool for flight operations and have replaced paper in most cockpits.

Increasingly present, EFBs also feature more and more advanced functions that depart from the simple replacement of paper while offering new possibilities to enhance flight operations and information available to the flight crew. Consequently, EFB applications and their hosted functions become more complex to evaluate and to approve for use in operations by the national aviation authorities.

This industry standard provides a systematic and comprehensive means to address the design, development, evaluation and validation of the EFB applications proportionally to the safety risk of their intended use in flight operations.

€200.00 excl VAT See details
ED-289 Change 1 - Guidance on determination of accessible Energy in Battery Systems for eVTOL Applications


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 35,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 50,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in September 2021.

This document contains minimum requirements for state observer and state predictors of energy storage systems in eVTOL applications.
Compliance with this standard is recommended as one means of assuring that the equipment will perform its intended function(s) satisfactorily under all conditions normally encountered in routine aeronautical operation.
The equipment may also have additional functions for which other MOPS or ETSOs may be applicable or, it may contain additional functions not defined by any MOPS or ETSO and, non ETSO function guidance may be applicable.

Change 1 to ED-289.

€50.00 excl VAT See details
ED-240A Change 1 - MASPS for Remote Tower Optical Systems


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 129,50€

Non member: 185,00€


Issued in September 2021.

Change 1 to ED-240A.

€185.00 excl VAT See details
ED-297 - MOPS for Airborne Thermal Camera Systems


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in October 2021.

This document contains Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for Thermal Camera Systems. The standards specify the minimum performance expected from thermal camera equipment and related functions.
Compliance with this standard is recommended as a means of assuring that the equipment will perform its intended function(s) satisfactorily under all conditions normally encountered in routine aeronautical operation.

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-147B - ATM Validation Platforms Interoperability Specification


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 252,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 360,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in October 2021.

This document specifies a Common Standard for the Interoperability of ATM Validation Platforms of various origins in order for them to be capable of running jointly in the common framework of a common ATM Simulation validation exercise.

The document is accompanied by Supplementary Material, the link to which is contained in the Foreword of the document.

Note: this document supersedes ED-147A.

€360.00 excl VAT See details
ED-148A - Guidance to Achieve ATM Validation Platforms Interoperability


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in October 2021.

This document aims at providing guidance for those who want to achieve Interoperability for their ATM Validation Platforms. It refers to EUROCAE ED-147B ATM Validation Platforms Interoperability Specification. The document complements ED-147B by proposing a common collaboration model that aims to support ATM Validation Platform stakeholders to reach their goal of working together in a collaborative way. It provides examples and best practices from validation exercises using Interoperable ATM Validation Platforms from different ATM Domains.

Note: this document supersedes ED-148.

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-294 - SWIM Service Specification Template and Methodology


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in November 2021.

This document shall be used when there is a need to standardise a SWIM Service and a common understanding has been reached on the substantial functions of the service, the operational context and the information to be exchanged.

This document is meant to provide an easy to understand method and a template to create SWIM Service Specifications.

ED-294 is accompanied by Supplementary Material which is available for download. The link is contained in the Foreword. The Template mentioned above is part of the Supplementary Material.

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-292 - MASPS for Runway Weather Information Systems


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 154,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 220,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2021.

The document defines the performances expected from the systems and the way of verifying that the latter reach them. The minimum performance requirements specified herein are designated to ensure that aerodrome and aircraft equipment certified to them will be compatible with the relevant ICAO Standards and Recommended Practises and EASA regulation

€220.00 excl VAT See details
ED-290 - Guidance on High Voltage Definition and Consideration for Personal Safety


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 63,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 90,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in December 2021.

This document contains guidance for definition of “High Voltage” and electrical hazards on VTOL and consideration on personal safety.
Compliance with this standard is recommended as one means of assuring that the HV system will perform its intended function(s) safely under all conditions normally encountered in foreseeable routine aeronautical operation.
They may also have additional functions for which other MOPS or ETSOs may be applicable or, it may contain additional functions not defined by any MOPS or ETSO and, non ETSO function guidance may be applicable.
As clarified on section 1.5.3 below, voltage levels above 1500VDC or 1000VAC are not expected on VTOL application for now and require specific safety considerations. Therefore, those higher voltage levels are not in the scope of this document.

€90.00 excl VAT See details
ED-201A - Aeronautical Information System Security Framework Guidance


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 140,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 200,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2021.

This document is concerned with the overarching context of the shared responsibility for AISS through the identification and description of topics which have to be addressed. It deals with shared responsibility of all relevant stakeholders who are part of civil aviation. The purpose of security in this context should be understood as ensuring safety of flight and maintaining the operation of the civil aviation infrastructure without significant disruption.


This document supersedes ED-201.

€200.00 excl VAT See details
ED-287A - Guidance Document on Aircraft Cleaning and Disinfection


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 84,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 120,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2021.

This guidance document was developed as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic which has decimated the global aviation industry, and whose harmful effects are still being realized. The aviation industry recognizes that the development and adoption of guidance on the cleaning and disinfecting of aircraft can make positive contributions to the safety and wellbeing of aircraft occupants, and help increase confidence in air travel as a mode of transportation in response to current COVID-19 pandemic and possible future health events.

€120.00 excl VAT See details
ER-024 - EUROCAE WG-104 (SWIM services) Final report


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2021.

The WG-104 Final Report gives account on the activities undertaken in the development of SWIM Service Specifications.
It will provide e.g.:
- Lessons learned
- Information on reached objective
- Information on not-reached objectives (with justifications)
- History of activities
- Impact on the Covid Crisis

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-282 - MOPS for UAS E-Reporting


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 140,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 200,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in January 2022.

This document contains Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) electronic reporting of UAS surveillance information (e-Reporting) for safety purposes.

Compliance with this standard is recommended as one means of assuring that the equipment will perform its intended function(s) satisfactorily under all conditions normally encountered in routine aeronautical operation.

€200.00 excl VAT See details
ED-73F Change 1 - MOPS for Secondary Surveillance Radar Mode S Transponders


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 122,50€

Non member: 175,00€


Issued in January 2022.

Change 1 to ED-73F.

€175.00 excl VAT See details
ED-102B Change 1 - MOPS for 1090 MHz Extended Squitter ADS-B and TIS-B


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 105,00€

Non member: 150,00€


Issued in January 2022.

Change 1 to ED-102B.

€150.00 excl VAT See details
ED-278A - Concept of Operations for VTOL Aircraft Volume 1 - General Considerations


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 56,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 80,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in February 2022.

This document specifies the structure and information expected to be provided by a Concept of Operations (ConOps) for VTOL aircraft.



€80.00 excl VAT See details
TWP 2022 (public version)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 0,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 0,00€ (excl VAT)


Approved by the EUROCAE Council on 10 November 2021.

The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of the ongoing technical standardisation activities currently undertaken by EUROCAE together with the anticipated standardisation activities to be potentially undertaken by EUROCAE during the next five years, in order to illustrate the extent of the current and future EUROCAE work.

€0.00 excl VAT See details
ER-026 - Virtual Centre Standardisation


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 87,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 125,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in January 2022.

The report provides a comprehensive report outlining the context of the Virtual Centre concept and proposing a detailed work programme for Virtual Centres services standardisation.
The report covers:
- Context: status of R&D activities, status of industrialisation, regulatory context, political context
- Work programme: scope, proposed standardisation activities – deliverables, priorities, timeframes
- Consider a phased, incremental approach
- Cooperation with other EUROCAE WGs, organisations
- Methodology

€125.00 excl VAT See details
ED-298 - Guidance on minimum Primary Flight Instruments for VTOL Aircraft


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 45,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 65,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in March 2022.

This document contains minimum requirements for the primary flight instruments in VTOL aircraft. Additional requirements for minimum instruments displaying navigation and lift/thrust unit (LTU) parameters are out of scope, since the former are dependent on the requirements set by the Air Traffic Management (ATM) system for Urban Air Mobility (UAM), and the latter are heavily dependent on the specific VTOL design and are difficult to capture in a single standard.

€65.00 excl VAT See details
ED-103B - MOPS for In-Flight Icing Detection Systems


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 91,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 130,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in April 2022.

This MOPS specifies FIDS Operational Performance which is the minimum necessary to satisfy regulatory requirements for the design and manufacture of the equipment to a minimum standard and guidance towards acceptable means of compliance when installed on an aircraft.
Revision of ED-103A to correct identified editorial and technical errors and add some clarifications to the document.

ED-103B is accompanied by Supplementary Material which is available for download. The link is contained in the Foreword. The Template mentioned above is part of the Supplementary Material.

€130.00 excl VAT See details
ED-261/1 - Safety and Performance Requirements Standard for a Generic Surveillance System (GEN-SUR SPR) - Volume 1


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 133,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 190,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in November 2021

Safety and Performance Requirements (SPR) Standard for a Generic Surveillance System - GEN-SUR SPR, Volume 1.
Volume 1 captures the minimum safety and performance requirements, to be met by a ground surveillance system in support of the air traffic service in a given airspace environment.

€190.00 excl VAT See details
ED-261/2 - Safety and Performance Requirements Standard for a Generic Surveillance System (GEN-SUR SPR) - Volume 2


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 528,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 755,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in November 2021.

Safety and Performance Requirements (SPR) Standard for a Generic Surveillance System - GEN-SUR SPR, Volume 2.
ED-261 Volume 2 contains the determination of the GEN-SUR safety and performance objectives, from which the Volume 1 requirements are derived.

€755.00 excl VAT See details
ED-261/3 - Safety and Performance Requirements Standard for a Generic Surveillance System (GEN-SUR SPR) - Volume 3


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 133,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 190,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in November 2021.

Safety and Performance Requirements (SPR) Standard for a Generic Surveillance System - GEN-SUR SPR, Volume 3.
ED-261 Volume 3 provides for a generic framework that may be used at local level in support of the demonstration that the implementation of the local ground surveillance system, in compliance with this GEN-SUR SPR, is acceptably safe.

€190.00 excl VAT See details
ER-025 - List of standardisation needs for Hybrid Electric Propulsion



Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00€ (excl VAT)

 Issued in April 2022

The proposed approach consists to get an overview of various architectures, to define associated technologies (enablers, mandatory, nice to have) and then evaluate major lacks in standards.

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-87E - MASPS for A-SMGCS including Airport Safety Support Service Routing Service and Guidance Service


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 115,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 165,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in April 2022

Revision of ED-87D to extend the Minimum Aviation System Performance Specification (MASPS) for A-SMGCS with functional descriptions and performance requirements of the Guidance Service and develop appropriate test procedures.

€165.00 excl VAT See details
ED-271 - Minimum Aviation System Performance Standard for Detect and Avoid (Traffic) in Class A-C airspaces - with Corrigendum 1


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 189,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 270,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in May 2022
Superseded by ED-271A

This document describes the Detect and Avoid function necessary to support the Remote pilot to operate the RPA in airspace A-C under IFR according to the OSED, Ground based DAA not being covered. This standard specifies system characteristics, since it is composed of several individual components. It should be useful to designers, manufacturers, installers, service providers and users for systems. Compliance with this standard is recommended as one means of assuring that the system and each subsystem will perform its intended function(s) satisfactorily under all conditions normally encountered in routine aeronautical operations for the environments intended. One potential use of the MASPS is to support early system/application development and prototyping. Additionally, the MASPS may be implemented by one or more regulatory documents and/or advisory documents (e.g., certifications, authorizations, approvals, commissioning, advisory circulars, notices, etc.) and may be implemented in part or in total.

€270.00 excl VAT See details
ED-285 Change 1 - Minimum Operational Performance Standard for offshore Helicopter Terrain Awareness and Warning System (HTAWS)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 35,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 50,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in May 2022.

ED-285 Change 1 Minimum Operating Performance Standards for Helicopter Terrain Awareness and Warning Systems (HTAWS) for Offshore Helicopter Operations will change a graphical error in Figure 3-9 to ensure that Alert Criteria – Caution number OHTAWS_REQ35. and OHTAWS_REQ36. are displayed correctly. The numbers on the graph appear differently than the lines on the graph defining the “May Alert” area.

€50.00 excl VAT See details
ED-296 - Guidance on Design Assurance for High Voltage Standards and Power Quality for VTOL Applications


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 129,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 185,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in May 2022.

This document contains guidance for utilization of High Voltage Power systems on VTOL. This standard specifies the minimum performance expected from High Voltage Power systems.
Compliance with this standard is recommended as one means of assuring that the HV system will perform its intended function(s) satisfactorily under all conditions normally encountered in routine aeronautical operation.

€185.00 excl VAT See details
ED-299 - Guidance for Vertiport Operators and Operations


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 140,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 200,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in June 2022

This document provides guidance for designers, developers and operators for planning and executing safe Visual Flight Rules (VFR) vertiport operations, describes at a high level the systems, processes, procedures, equipment and facilities that should be provided at a single vertiport or a network of vertiports managed by the same vertiport operator, serves as a template for the preparation of a vertiport manual, references and  ignposts other existing documentation that may be useful for vertiport operations, complements any separate guidance and standards specifically for the design of VFR vertiports, including but not limited to vertiport data, physical characteristics, obstacle environment and visual aids; and it could be applied to existing heliports here doing so would support safe VTOL aircraft operations or a mixed operation of helicopter and VTOL aircraft operations – only to the extent where the standards for vertiports are equivalent or exceed those of heliports.

€200.00 excl VAT See details
ED-75E - Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards - Required Navigation Performance for Area Navigation


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 154,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 220,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in June 2022

ED-75E adds minimum requirements and terminology updates to explicitly allow for navigation based on multiple DME in support of RNP operations.
Furthermore clarifications were added to existing procedures.
Requirements were added for the RNP system navigation database with regard to data quality and information on the use of multiple navigation database cycles by RNP systems.
Lessons learned from previous implementations were included.

€220.00 excl VAT See details
ED-302 - Considerations for Aeronautical Data Alteration


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 77,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 110,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in June 2022

This is a guidance document that clarifies and expounds on the criteria and processes associated with the alteration of aeronautical data in support of the requirements defined in RTCA DO-200B/EUROCAE ED-76A.  It does not define any requirements, rather it provides considerations, examples, and guidelines for  the disposition, processing, and use of altered aeronautical data.

€110.00 excl VAT See details
ED-223A - Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for the Aeronautical Mobile Airport Communication


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 147,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 210,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in June 2022

ED-223A AeroMACS MOPS update addresses the required changes to ensure compatibility with other communication systems and standards
As an example MOPS part related to AeroMACS equipment adjacent channel emissions needs to be updated to protect UACS C2 channel. Intention is to guarantee for compatibility with UAS C2 in the 5030MHz to 5091 MHz band.

€210.00 excl VAT See details
ED-206 - Guidance on Security Event Management


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 133,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 190,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in June 2022

ED-206 will provide guidance on security event management for various actors in the aviation environment – OEM, suppliers, operators to develop processes and procedures for identifying and reporting security events and to initiate response with respect to continuing airworthiness.
This guidance will support the activities of EASA’s ESCP which will include regulation on organisations and having a Security Management System with (Security) Occurrence Reporting analogous to Safety Management System with (Safety) Occurrence Reporting. The security event management will be required for any safety-related event which endangers or which, if not corrected or addressed, could endanger an aircraft, its occupants or any other person and includes in particular an accident or serious incident and include the reporting to ECCSA and any applicable regulatory bodies.

€190.00 excl VAT See details
ED-239A - Aircraft Design and Certification for Portable Electronic Device (PED) Tolerance


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 84,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 120,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in June 2022

This document defines design guidance and certification recommendations for aircraft tolerance to interference from portable electronic devices. The aircraft design guidance and certification recommendations address all portable electronic devices, including transmitting portable electronic devices.
The following changes have been introduced in this revision of the document:
• TABLE 4-5 – Addition of PED emissions for radio altimeter band
• TABLE 4-6 – Addition of MEF for PED in radio altimeter band
• TABLE 4-7 – Addition of Target NIRA IPL values for radio altimeters
• Appendix C – Derivation of Target NIRA IPL values for radio altimeters
• Section 2.2.2 – Addition of reference to Appendix D for 5G PED transmitter risks for radio altimeters for IRA
• Appendix D – 5G PED transmitter risks for radio altimeters compliant with RTCA DO-155 (1974).

€120.00 excl VAT See details
ED-130B - Guidance for the Development of Portable Electronic Devices (PED) Tolerance for Civil Aircraft


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 161,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 230,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in June 2022.

This document provides specific recommendations for operators as well as certification applicants performing aircraft Type Certificate (TC), Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) and Amended Type Certificate (ATC) to show how aircraft avionics and electrical system can be tolerant to the use of portable electronic devices (PEDs) throughout various phases of flight.
This revision addresses the spectrum expansion of the 5G technology and the introduction of PED transmitting in the frequency spectrum above 5.9 GHz, for example WiFi-6e.

€230.00 excl VAT See details
ED-205A - Process Standard for Security Certification and Declaration of ATM ANS Ground Systems


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 84,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 120,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in July 2022

ED-205 provides a process to assess the extent to which the ATM/ANS ground systems are appropriately secure for use. The process is able to be used to identify, evaluate and manage impacts on safety, operational delivery and other commercial concerns.
In ED-205A, the document has been updated to incorporate answers to the ‘non-concur’ comments received at the end of the open consultation phase in the form of further integration of the outcomes of the regulatory work being done by EASA’s ESCP and STORM work streams.
Furthermore, previous version is here refined and detailed where necessary in order to be in line with the new basic regulation and the Part AIS. In doing so it is believed that the document could serve as an AMC for the aforementioned regulation.

€120.00 excl VAT See details
ED-260A - MASPS for Coexistence of Wireless Avionics Intra-Communication Systems within 4 200-4 400 MHz


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 84,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 120,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in July 2022.

This document contains Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards (MASPS) for coexistence of Wireless Avionics Intra-Communication (WAIC) systems operating within the 4200-4400 MHz radio frequency band. It provides designers of WAIC systems with guidance on how to demonstrate coexistence of WAIC with other aircraft systems using the same radio frequency spectrum.
The MASPS is intended to support the ICAO SARPs for WAIC. Additional requirements in the SARPs have been identified since the initial publication of the MASPS. The technical means of compliance for the new requirements are included in this revision of the MASPS.

€120.00 excl VAT See details
ED-301 - Guidelines for the Use of Multi-GNSS Solutions for UAS Specific Category - Low Risk Operations SAIL I and II


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 140,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 200,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in August 2022.

This document was initiated to improve the capability to manage external services that affect UAS operations, as a means to support safety in the Specific Category. Considering that the GNSS receiver is the primary navigation sensor for most UAS, the level of performance of GNSS services, and especially multi-GNSS, has a direct relation with flight safety for UAS, both in nominal and non-nominal conditions according to the particular operational context where it is used. The term “multi-GNSS” is used since there are several GNSS constellations that could be used to provide positioning information to UAS. This document details some specific constellations/systems/signals due to legacy reasons, global coverage and general public accessibility. The resulting standards will support UAS operators in achieving approval for specific operations in regards to the inherent safety risks associated to the use GNSS services in UAS operations.

€200.00 excl VAT See details
ED-243C Ch.1 - MOPS for Avionics Supporting Next Generation Satellite Systems (NGSS)


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 21,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 30,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in September 2022.

Several issues have been identified that will require Change 1 documentation to the existing Appendix F Iridium Certus MOPS:
1.    Changes to Section F.2.3.5 for Lightning Induced Transient Testing required in DO-160 – missing note and table F-32 update
2.    Changes to Receiver Susceptibility requirements and test (Section F. and F.    
3.    Changes to Harmonic, Spurious and Noise Requirements Table F-18 and associated Notes. (Section F.    
4.    Changes to fmax/fmin frequency range calculation in Section F.     
5.    Changes to fmax/fmin frequency range calculation in Section F.    
6.    Change to Rejection of Signals Outside the NGSS Receive Band (F.    
7.    Changes to Receiver Operation in Moving Aircraft requirement (Section F.    
8.    Changes to Receiver Operation in Moving Aircraft Test (Section F.    
9.    Change in Transmitter Operation in Moving Aircraft Requirement (Section F.    
10.    Change in Transmitter Operation in Moving Aircraft Test (F.    
11.    Change in Error Vector Magnitude Requirement (F.

€30.00 excl VAT See details
ED-304 - Technical Standard for Passenger and Crew Seats in Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) Aircraft


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 77,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 110,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in September 2022.

Crash-worthy stroking seats have seen adoption in military and emergency services rotorcraft. VTOL for Urban Air Mobility is an emerging technology sector, there are currently in the order 130 new platforms being developed globally, of which a significant proportion are coming from existing European aviation companies as well as many new entrant innovation businesses.

€110.00 excl VAT See details
ER-023 - Development Assurance Principles for Aerospace Vehicles and Systems


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 84,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 120,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in October 2022.

This document was developed jointly by EUROCAE Working Group 63 “Complex Aircraft Systems” and SAE S-18 “Aircraft and Sys Dev and Safety Assessment Committee”.  This document provides a high-level set of principles for the development assurance of aerospace vehicles and systems, including emerging technologies. The principles are meant to address experience of applying ED-79/ ARP4754 (at latest revision) across a variety of applications. If further elaboration of specific technologies is determined to be required, additional ERs/AIRs may be created. It is technically identical to SAE AIR7209.

€120.00 excl VAT See details
ED-306 - Design Considerations for VTOL Aircraft Protection From Uncontained High-Energy Fragments and Sustained Imbalance


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 133,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 190,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in October 2022.

The standard will cover:
-    Review the design consideration for high energy rotating devices in VTOL: Generators, E-Motors, Gear box etc.
-    Classification of debris & Assessment of fragment spread angle: intention is to widen the perimeter
-    AMC/Recommendations for VTOL design and best practices against single mechanical failure
-    Analysis of rotorburst consequences on A/C, crew/passengers, environment

€190.00 excl VAT See details
ED-300 - Guidance on Conducting an Aircraft Functional Hazard Assessment and Preliminary Aircraft Safety Assessment for a VTOL Using a Generic Example


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 140,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 200,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in November 2022.

A VTOL example is needed to show how aircraft-level Failure Conditions and their associated requirements can be flown down to system level, specifically for the highly-integrated functions of a VTOL aircraft and the new flight phases / operational aspects that they introduce.
The purpose of this task is to review existing materials to identify what is suitable to be adopted, what needs to be adapted and create a partial example of a VTOL-AFHA as a EUROCAE Guidance Document, in accordance with ED-135 and ED-79.

€200.00 excl VAT See details
ED-307 - Guidance on the Demonstration of Acceptable Occupant Safety - Emergency Egress


Full member: 0,00 €

Limited member: 136,50 € (excl VAT)

Non member: 195,00 € (excl VAT)

Issued in November 2022.

VTOL is a new aerial transport platform for which the existing certification framework requires review and adaptation. Guidance is needed to ensure that occupants are assured an acceptable level of safety in an emergency or crash landing scenario. This document contains minimum requirements for emergency egress on land. The purpose of this task is to review existing materials to identify what is suitable to be adopted, what needs to be adapted, and create new material to ensure there are no gaps.

€195.00 excl VAT See details
ED-309 - Guidance on VTOL Energy Level Information Provided to the Crew


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 38,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 55,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in February 2023.

This document contains compliance methodologies for the energy level information that should be presented to the crew during the flight planning and execution phase for electrical Vertical Take-off and Landing (eVTOL) aircraft. This document is focused on electrical propulsion, as this type of lift/thrust has specific challenges that require new strategies to be put in place to enable safe operations.

€55.00 excl VAT See details
ED-308 - Guidance on VTOL Charging Infrastructure


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 38,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 55,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in February 2023.

This document contains minimum requirements for VTOL Charging Infrastructure. This technical standard applies to electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) designated to conductively charge vertical take-off and landing aircrafts (VTOL) on vertiports. This technical standard is a collection and extension of applicable standards for the development, commissioning, and operation of EVSE for other industries, e.g. for automotive applications.

€55.00 excl VAT See details
ED-303 - User Guide for Lightning Protection of Fuel Tank Structures and Systems


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 101,05€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 145,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in April 2023

This document is intended to be a user’s manual to AC 25.954 1 on acceptable means of compliance for applicants with regards to 14 CFR 25.954 at Amendment 25 146 and to encourage a consistent approach to be applied across industry. This document is also intended to be a user’s manual to AMC 25.954 on acceptable means of compliance for applicants with regards to EASA CS 25.954 at Amendment 26.


€145.00 excl VAT See details
ED-312-Guidance on Determining Failure Modes in Lithium-Ion Cells for eVTOL Applications
Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 49,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in May 2023,

This document contains guidance on the definition and detection of lithium-ion cell failures, cell failure causes and materials level failure modes. It also informs on interdependencies between failure causes that may be considered when defining a verification and validation strategy for the cell, as defined in other cell related EUROCAE documents.

€70.00 excl VAT See details
ED-256A - MOPS for ACAS Xa with ACAS Xo Functionality
Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 700,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 1000,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in June 2023.

Revision A of ED-256 MOPS for ACAS Xa with ACAS Xo Functionality will integrate Change 1 into the core specification and will implement a number of change proposals collected during initial implementations and the development of other ACAS X Variants.

ED-256 consists of two Volumes plus supplementary material:

Volume I: MOPS for ACAS Xa with Xo Functionality
This document sets forth minimum operational performance standards for the Active (Xa) and special Operations (Xo) system variants of Airborne Collision Avoidance System X (ACAS X) equipment.
ACAS X is intended to improve air safety by acting as a last-resort method of preventing mid-air collisions or near mid-air collisions (NMAC) between aircraft. By utilizing surveillance information from Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) and ADS-B technology, ACAS X equipment operates independently of ground-based aids and air traffic control (ATC). Aircraft equipped with ACAS X have the ability to interrogate airborne transponders and receive ADS-B Messages to determine the location of other aircraft in the vicinity and assess the risk of collision.

Volume II: Algorithm Design Description (ADD)
This document provides the Algorithm Design Description (ADD) for the Surveillance and Tracking Module (STM) and the Threat Resolution Module (TRM) of the next generation Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS X). The algorithms are described at a sufficiently high level to allow for implementation in a variety of software languages and hardware platforms, thereby providing maximum freedom to manufacturers while ensuring the intended output from the system. This document provides descriptions of the algorithm’s operations.

€1,000.00 excl VAT See details
ED-89A Ch. 1


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in July 2023.

Update the definition of the D-ATIS Data Link Service such that it allows the transmission of the extended length messages of the ICAO Global Reporting Format (GRF).

ED-89A describes the requirements for a Data Link Service providing D-ATIS data over ACARS. One of the requirements stated in ED-89A is a maximum message length of 800 Characters.

ICAO has developed a new format for the reporting of runway conditions as part of ATIS: the GRF (Global Reporting Format). Because of the new structure and additional reporting requirements, ATIS messages can become significantly longer (in particular for complex aerodromes in adverse weather conditions). Taking into account the requirement for D-ATIS messages containing identical information as Voice ATIS, this will result in a increase of the length of D-ATIS messages beyond 800 characters.

Investigation across manufacturers and Data Link Service Providers (DSP) showed that most avionics can cope with longer D-ATIS messages and that the ACARS Data Link should be able to transmit those messages. However, the DSPs were not certain that this can be achieved respecting all requirements stated in ED-89A.

Therefore it was not possible to simply increase the maximum message length. Rather the reservations of the DSPs were covered in a note added to ED-89A.

The Change 1 to ED-89A has to be considered as complementing ED-89A by opening the possibility for D-ATIS message to be longer than 800 characters.

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-240B - Minimum Aviation System Performance Standard for Remote Tower Optical Systems
Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 136,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 195,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in July 2023.

This document comprises a MASPS for Remote Tower Optical Systems (RTOSs), optionally augmented with visual tracking-based object motion indications, automatic PTZ (Pan-Tilt-Zoom) object-following functionality, and non-optical surveillance sensors, along with recording and playback requirements.

€195.00 excl VAT See details
ED-313-OSED for Detect and Avoid (Traffic) in Class A to G Airspaces under IFR
Full member: 0,00 €

Limited member: 77,00 € (excl VAT)

Non member: 110,00 € (excl VAT)

Issued in August 2023.

This Operational Services and Environment Description (OSED) will support a performance-based regulation for non-segregated RPAS operation. It will cover required functions which meet the operational description, adding Remain Well Clear (RWC) as a necessary function in all airspace classes.
Initially intended to be included as an appendix to ED-271A "MASPS for Detect and Avoid (Traffic) under IFR", it will be published as a separate standard and will be the base for the definition of ED-271A.
ED-238 and ED-258 will be superseded by this new standard.

€110.00 excl VAT See details
ED-112B - Minimum Operational Performance Specification for Crash Protected Airborne Recorder Systems
Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 283,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 405,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in August 2023

ED112B now addressed the triggered and continuous transmission of flight data, a key element and major new chapter.
Revision B addresses the recording of the information displayed to the flight crew from electronic displays, as well as the operation of switches and selectors by the flight crew (new ICAO Annex 6 requirement), cockpit voice recorder audio quality assessments, development in deployable recorders, modification introduced through ETSOs/TSOs together with a deviation review.

€405.00 excl VAT See details
ED-317 - Guidance Document for aeromedical handling and transport of infectious passengers
Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 122,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 175,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in August 2023.

This document will specify such a framework and include all measures related to prevention, management of incidents, training, and tracking on an international level in regards of infectious passenger handling.

€175.00 excl VAT See details
ED-259A-Minimum Operational Performance Standard for Dual-Frequency Multi-Constellation Satellite-Based Augmentation System Airborne Equipment


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 567,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 810,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in September 2023

This document is the avionics standards for GPS/Galileo/SBAS equipment supporting Required Navigation Performance (RNP) en route and terminal operations, departure operations, RNP APCH (approach) down to Localizer Performance with vertical guidance (LPV) minima and Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B). This document does not provide specifications for a production approval. A future release of the document will provide requirements supporting production approval, typically through a new Technical Standard Order (TSO) or European Technical Standard Order (ETSO). This document has a Zipped supplement (ED-259A DO-401 Supplement) that contains six files.

€810.00 excl VAT See details
ED-315 - MASPS on ATN-IPS end-to-end interoperability and certification


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 122,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 175,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in September 2023

This document contains Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards (MASPS) for Aeronautical Telecommunications Network, Internet Protocol Suite (ATN/IPS). ATN/IPS is fully defined operationally in the Operational Services and Environment Definition (OSED) which is included as Annex A. This IPS MASPS specifies system characteristics, IPS is composed of several individual components, which are implemented in the aircraft as well as part of the ground infrastructure. This MASPS should be useful to designers, manufacturers, installers, service providers and users of systems. Compliance with this standard is recommended as one means of ensuring that the IPS system and each of its subsystem will perform its intended function(s) satisfactorily under all conditions normally encountered in routine aeronautical operations for the environments intended. One potential use of this MASPS is to support early ATN/IPS development and prototyping.


€175.00 excl VAT See details
ED-228B-Safety and Performance Standard for Baseline 2 ATS Data Communication - Corrigendum 1.


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 455,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 650,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2023.
Corrects ED-228B

This standard provides the operational, safety, and performance requirements (SPR) for the implementation of data communication services that support air traffic services (ATS). It is intended to support the communication element of the implementation of communication, navigation, and surveillance / air traffic management (CNS/ATM) systems in worldwide application.

Revision B takes into account results from SESAR and NextGen validation exercises. It also aligns the standard to relevant ICAO documentation and remove the D-RNP Requirements.


Corrigendum 1 corrects purely editorial errors.

€650.00 excl VAT See details
ED-229B-Interoperability Requirements Standard for Baseline 2 ATS Data Communications - Corrigendum 1.
Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 332,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 475,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2023.
Corrects ED-229B

This standard provides the operational, safety, and performance requirements (SPR) for the implementation of data communication services that support air traffic services (ATS). It is intended to support the

This document provides the interoperability requirements (INTEROP) standard for the implementation of the Air Traffic Service (ATS) applications supporting the Baseline 2 data link services as specified in the Baseline 2 Safety and Performance Requirements (SPR) document.
Revision B takes into account results from SESAR and NextGen validation exercises, and maintaining portable data link services and applications independent, to the maximum extent practical, of the underlying network technology.

Corrigendum 1 corrects purely editorial errors.


€475.00 excl VAT See details
ED-129C-Technical Specification for a 1090 MHz Extended Squitter ADS-B Surveillance System
Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 280,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 400,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in October 2023

This document defines the minimum technical specification for a 1090 MHz Extended Squitter ADS-B Surveillance System. The ADS-B System is the “SUR Sensor” element of an infrastructure supporting ATS Surveillance Service(s), such as the Approach Control and Area Control Services within the European Air Navigation Region.
Revision C has been updated to be compliant with the SPI-IR (EU No 1207/2011) for ADS-B Surveillance Systems. It will contain a partial implementation of ADS-B Version 3 as defined in ED-102B/DO-260C in line with Edition 2.6 of ASTERIX Category 021.
It has also been adapted to support the provision of System Status Reports in line with ASTERIX Category 025.

€400.00 excl VAT See details
ED-243C Ch.2 - MOPS for Avionics Supporting Next Generation Satellite Systems (NGSS)
Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 21,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 30,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in November 2023

This Change 2 document makes changes to some of the content in Change 1 and also to ED-243C Table of Tables.

The changes are summarized as follows:
• Change Table of Tables ED-243C
• Change to F.2.3.5 ED-243C
• Change to Change 1 Technical Summary of Changes Required
• Changes to F. Receiver Susceptibility Requirements in Change 1
• Changes to F. Receiver Susceptibility Test Procedure in Change 1

€30.00 excl VAT See details
ER-028 - Survey of Radio Frequency (RF) Performance Standards for Aeronautical RF Systems


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 80,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 115,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in November 2023.

This ER summarizes the results of the 2022/2023 survey conducted jointly by RTCA Special Committee-242 and EUROCAE Working Group-124 (SC-242/WG-124) on the applicable RTCA and EUROCAE published standards for Radio Frequency (RF) performance that could be used for spectrum compatibility analysis with external systems.  The process involved existing RTCA Special Committees and EUROCAE Working Groups, plus additional experts if the responsible committees for certain documents were no longer active.  The surveys and the resulting questions raised are intended to inform the spectrum guidance document that RTCA and EUROCAE are developing, and therefore this report does not provide any guidance of its own for the development of future aviation standards.

€115.00 excl VAT See details
ED-247B - TS of Virtual Interoperable Simulation for Tests of Aircraft Systems in virtual or hybrid bench
Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 367,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 525,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2023
Supersedes ED-247A

To cover the full perimeter of the ToR, especially the items left out from the previous edition of the document, which the WG decided to address in the following edition.

€525.00 excl VAT See details
ED-322 - System Performance and Interoperability Requirements for Non-Cooperative UAS Detection Systems


Full member: 0,00 €

Limited member: 84,00 € (excl VAT)

Non member: 120,00 € (excl VAT)

Issued in December 2023.

This document describes the system performance and interoperability requirements for non-cooperative UAS detection systems in airport environments.

The document is intended to summarise the different aspects of the Counter UAS (C-UAS) system and to have a better understanding of the C-UAS system components at the detection level. This document will identify performance requirements parameters of the Counter UAS detection system as it has been defined in the ED 286 / DO-389 Operational Services and Environment Definition (OSED) for Counter UAS in Controlled Airspace.

€120.00 excl VAT See details
ED-79B - Guidelines for Development of Civil Aircraft and Systems
Full member: 0,00 €

Limited member: 164,50 € (excl VAT)

Non member: 235,00 € (excl VAT)

Issued in December 2023.

This document provides processes used to develop civil aircraft and systems. It has been revised to incorporate known errata and specific industry comments necessary to maintain the recommendations consistent with industry state-of-the-art.
The guidelines herein are industry best practices for the development of aircraft and of systems. Modern aircraft typically comprise a large integrated environment consisting of multiple systems with significant dependencies and interactions. Frequently portions of these systems are developed by separate individuals, groups, or organizations. These systems require design discipline and systematic development to ensure that safety and operational requirements can be fully realized and substantiated. Adherence to these guidelines is recommended for development of all aircraft systems, especially those that may contribute to failure conditions with the potential to affect safety.
Work carried out jointly with SAE S-18.

€235.00 excl VAT See details
ED-135 - Guidelines and Methods for Conducting the Safety Assessment Process on Civil Airborne Systems and Equipment
Full member: 0,00 €

Limited member: 451,50 € (excl VAT)

Non member: 645,00 € (excl VAT)

Issued in December 2023.

Guidelines and methods for conducting the safety assessment process on civil airborne systems and equipment
Work carried out jointly with SAE S-18.​

€645.00 excl VAT See details
ED-316 - MOPS for Helicopter Terrain Awareness and Warning Systems (HTAWS) for Onshore Helicopter Operations
Full member: 0,00 €

Limited member: 98,00 € (excl VAT)

Non member: 140,00 € (excl VAT)

Issued in January 2024.

This document defines the Minimum Operational Performance Standards for an Onshore Helicopter Terrain Awareness and Warning System, which provide alerting to reduce the risk of controlled flight into terrain accidents. The primary objective is to incorporate advanced alerting mechanisms aimed at enhancing situational awareness, consequently reducing potential hazards and enhancing overall flight safety in onshore helicopter operations.

€140.00 excl VAT See details
ED-321 - Guidance material for endurance substantiation of Electric - Hybrid Propulsion Systems EHPS


Full member: 0,00 €

Limited member: 147,00 € (excl VAT)

Non member: 210,00 € (excl VAT)

Issued in January 2024.

Based on new publication of SC-EHPS, objective is to define MOC for SC-EHPS endurance substantiation and issue an EUROCAE Guidance document for EHPS endurance AMC.

€210.00 excl VAT See details
ED-137C_1 Ch. 2 - Interoperability Standard for VoIP ATM Components - Volume 1 Radio - Change 2


Full member: 0,00 €

Limited member: 70,00 € (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00 € (excl VAT)

Issued in December 2023.

Change 2 to ED-137C-1 (Interoperability Standard for VoIP ATM Components - Volume 1 Radio) contains updates coming from Change Requests submitted by Users of the Standard clarifying and correcting issues observed during implementation of the Standard.

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ER-029 - Taxonomy of Services for Virtual Centres
Full member: 0,00 €

Limited member: 77,00 € (excl VAT)

Non member: 110,00 € (excl VAT)

Issued in January 2024.


This document describes the activities of the Taxonomy Subgroup of EUROCAE Working Group 122. The document provides a taxonomy which outlines the identification, maturity checking, and ranking of Virtual Centre services, to establish a sequence for future standardisation.

€110.00 excl VAT See details
ED-320 - Aging mechanisms of electrical insulation materials in a high energy system


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 84,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 120,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in January 2024.

Aging mechanisms of electrical insulation materials in a high energy system.
The objective of the document is to describe the main aging mechanisms that will occur in high voltage system and components, in order to help system and equipment designer to take into account these phenomenon in their risks analysis and life duration assessment.

€120.00 excl VAT See details
ED-318 - Technical Specification for Geographical Zones and U-Space data provision and exchange


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 87,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 125,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in January 2024.

Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/947 mandates in its Article 15 that “when Member States define UAS geographical zones, for geo awareness purposes they shall ensure that the information on the UAS geographical zones, including their period of validity, is made publicly available in a common unique digital format”.

EASA AMC&GM to (EU) 2019/947 Article 15 provides additional considerations about the related data quality, as well as a reference to Chapter 8 ‘UAS restriction zone data model’ of the EUROCAE ED-269 as AMC for the common unique digital format.

Additionally, Annex V of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/664 on U-Space requires that exchange of relevant operational data and information between U-space service providers and air traffic service providers is made through an exchange model for which the data model included in ED-269 is considered as a very good foundation. Yet, the model as currently set in Chapter 8 of ED-269 will need to evolve to be compatible with new objects and features associated to a scope wider than geo-fencing, e.g. dynamic airspace reconfiguration.
Finally, the implementation of (EU) 2019/947 is raising requests for improvements or additions to the data model and format currently included in ED-269.

Considering that all the necessary evolutions of ED-269 Chapter 8 data model are not linked to the geo-fencing MOPS itself (i.e. the actual scope of ED-269), it was considered relevant to develop a dedicated Technical Specification. The Technical Specification for Geographical Zones and U-Space data provision and exchange will cover all aspects related to Data Provision and Exchange (i.e. data scope, quality requirements, data format and model, exchange of data through information service) in support of regulations (EU) 2019/947 and (EU) 2021/664.

€125.00 excl VAT See details
ED-314 - Compliance methodologies for VTOL certification in inadvertent icing and snow operation


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 63,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 90,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in February 2024.

This document provides a means of compliance for icing related regulations applicable to VTOL aircraft that are not certified for icing. Although not certified for icing, aircraft may inadvertently encounter icing conditions and must have provisions to safely operate while exiting the conditions. This document also covers snow conditions applicable to VTOL aircraft during an inadvertent encounter and for continuous operation.

€90.00 excl VAT See details
ED-230B - Interoperability Requirements Standard for Baseline 2 ATS Data Communication - FANS 1A Accommodation
Full member: 0,00 €

Limited member: 220,50 € (excl VAT)

Non member: 315,00 € (excl VAT)

Issued in February 2024.

This document provides the interoperability requirements for an aeronautical telecommunication network for Baseline 2 ATS data communication services (B2) ground system that provides B2 air traffic data link services to future air navigation system 1/A (FANS 1/A) aircraft in oceanic and continental airspace.

Revision B takes into account results from SESAR and NextGen validation exercises, maintaining portable data link services and applications independent, to the maximum extent practical, of the underlying network technology.

€315.00 excl VAT See details
ED-231B - Interoperability Requirements Standard for Baseline 2 ATS Data Communication ATN Baseline 1 Accommodation


Full member: 0,00 €

Limited member: 213,50 € (excl VAT)

Non member: 305,00 € (excl VAT)

Issued in February 2024.

This document provides the additional interoperability requirements to allow backward compatibility between:
• B2 ground systems and B1 aircraft systems; or
• B2 aircraft systems and B1 ground systems.

Revision B takes into account results from SESAR and NextGen validation exercises, and maintaining portable data link services and applications independent, to the maximum extent practical, of the underlying network technology.

€305.00 excl VAT See details
ED-235A - Minimum Aviation System Performance Standard for Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Detection Systems


Full member: 0,00 €

Limited member: 150,50 € (excl VAT)

Non member: 215,00 € (excl VAT)

Issued in April 2024.

This document supersedes ED-235 ‘Minimum Aviation System Performance Specification for Foreign Object Debris Detection Systems’.

ED-235A specifies system and equipment characteristics that should be used by designers, installers, manufacturers, service providers and users of FOD detection systems intended for operational use at aerodromes. Functional requirements are used wherever possible to allow flexibility in the design of sub-system equipment.
The document has been updated to better reflect the technology available on the market and as such better reflect consequences on airfield operation.
This release also introduces Artificial Intelligence considerations as may be applicable to FOD Detection systems, at the time of publication.

€215.00 excl VAT See details
ER-33 - Rationale for a Software Development Assurance Standard for Lower-risk Aviation Applications


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 77,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 110,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in May 2024.

The proposed ER document will provide the potential users (i.e. the UAS, UTM and GA communities) with an overview of the scope, background, and methodology of the new standard for lower-risk aviation applications.

€110.00 excl VAT See details
ED-130 - Guidance for the Use of Portable Electronics Devices (PEDs) on Board Aircraft


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 150,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 215,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in December 2006.

Superseded by ED-130A.

€215.00 excl VAT See details
ED-76B - Standards for Processing Aeronautical Data


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 147,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 210,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in June 2024.

This standard provides recommended minimum requirements for the processing of aeronautical data. It aims to assist aeronautical data chain participants and regulatory authorities in meeting their responsibilities. It is intended to be used by organizations seeking approval of the method(s) they use to process or manipulate data.

ED-76B updates ED-76A and takes into account suggested changes from industry and authorities’ experience and feedback, as well as the related regulation and technical standards.

€210.00 excl VAT See details
ED-194B Ch. 1 - Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for Aircraft Surveillance Applications - Change 1


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00€ (excl VAT)


Issued in July 2024.

ED-194B contains requirements for processing, control and display of traffic and Ownship information for use by the flight crew in performing airborne applications.

Change 1 contains the following modifications:

Identified problems with TIS-B test vectors for the surveillance processing test procedures.
Updated to include CAVS requirements to align with FAA TSO-C195c.
Editorial changes as identified in the WG-51 SG-3 Internal Report ‘Summary of Activities and Proposed Changes to ED-194B and ED-236A – Phase 2’.

NOTE: Although technically equivalent, differences with respect to structure and layout exist between ED-194B Change 1 and the corresponding RTCA document DO-317C Change 1.

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-295 - Guidance on VTOL Flight Control Handling Qualities Verification
Full member: 0,00 €

Limited member: 80,50 € (excl VAT)

Non member: 115,00 € (excl VAT)

Issued in July 2024.

This document presents a way to collect evidence to complement the Modified Handling Qualities Rating Method (MHQRM) presented in Proposed Means of Compliance with Special Condition VTOL. The intention of the application of the MHQRM is to demonstrate compliance to the Handling Qualities (HQs) requirements presented in the Special Condition Vertical Take-Off and Landing (SC VTOL). This approach is based on presenting a list of Flight Test Manoeuvres (FTM), complemented by Specific Flights (SpFI), to cover all the different Flight Conditions (FltC) of MHQRM and collect evidence to confirm acceptable levels of HQs.

€115.00 excl VAT See details
ED-114B Change 1 Corr 1 - MOPS Global Navigation Satellite GBAS Ground Equipment to support Precision Approach and Landing - with Corrigendum 1


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 84,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 120,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in July 2024


Corrects ED-114B Change 1.

This is a change to ED-114B, MOPS for Global Navigation Satellite Ground Based Augmentation System Ground Equipment to support Precision Approach and Landing.

Its purposes are:
• To resolve findings that were identified in the final stage of closing for ED-114B
• To include revisions required due to change in the SARPs and RTCA airborne MOPS on the topic of VDB
• To identify dependencies between the ground and airborne elements of GBAS for consideration in equipment approval (Appendix O).

Corrigendum 1 corrects purely editorial errors.

€120.00 excl VAT See details
ER-031 - Technical Investigation and Justification of Alternative ICDs for Data Exchange Mechanisms between USSPs


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 77,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 110,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in September 2024

The goals of this report are to propose and justify a minimum set of interfaces for Network Remote Identification data from USSP to USSP inside a U-space, explaining the identified issues which cannot be addressed by ASTM F3411-22a specified exchange protocol between USSPs and providing a technical recommendation about the exchange mechanisms, which could be alternatively used by the industry, and submitted to the EASA, while explaining the potential interoperability issues with USSPs implementing the ASTM F3411-22a protocol.

€110.00 excl VAT See details


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 280,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 400,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in November 2000.

This document is superseded with ED-102A issued in December 2009.

ED-102B issued in December 2020 supersedes ED-102A.

€400.00 excl VAT See details
ED-84B - Aircraft Lightning Environment and Related Test Waveforms


Full member: 0,00 €

Limited member: 91,00 € (excl VAT)

Non member: 130,00 € (excl VAT)

Issued in October 2024.
Supersedes ED-84A

The environment and test waveforms defined in this EUROCAE Document (ED) account for the best lightning data and analysis currently available. The quantified environment and levels herein represent the minimum currently required by certifying authorities, consistent with the approach applied in related lightning documents.

The waveforms provided in this ED are considered to be adequate for the demonstration of compliance for the protection of an aircraft and its systems against the lightning environment and should be applied in accordance with the aircraft lightning strike zones (see ED-91/ARP5414) and test methods (see ED-105/ARP5416), and applicable EASA and FAA advisory and interpretive material.

€130.00 excl VAT See details
ED-110B Ch2 - Interoperability Requirements Standard for Aeronautical Telecommunication Network Baseline 1 - Ch 2


Full member: 0,00 €

Limited member: 70,00 € (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00 € (excl VAT)

Issued in October 2024.
Complements ED-110B including Change-1

Change 2 to ED-110B/DO-280B, Interoperability Requirements Standard for Aeronautical Telecommunication Network Baseline 1 (ATN B1 Interop Standard) contains the following updates:
•Update the ground requirement in section regarding UM79 content;
•Update the ground requirements in Tables 4-3 and 4-5 and associated figures regarding message concatenation in CPDLC end requests.

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-229B Ch. 1 - Interoperability Requirements Standard for Baseline 2 ATS Data Communications – Change 1


Full member: 0,00 €

Limited member: 147,00 € (excl VAT)

Non member: 210,00 € (excl VAT)

Issued in October 2024.
Complements ED-229B

Correction of errors in the message numbering in the ASN.1 Message Set of ED-229B/DO-351B. This correction is necessary to ensure backwards compatibility between systems compliant to Revision A and Revision B of the Standard.  A new reason code “contract number already in use” will be added to the ADSreject variable.  Resolve editorial issues in the ASN.1.

€210.00 excl VAT See details
ED-262A - Technical Standard of Aviation Profiles for Internet Protocol Suite


Full member: 0,00 €

Limited member: 203,00 € (excl VAT)

Non member: 290,00 € (excl VAT)

Issued in October 2024.
Supersedes ED-262

This document contains the technical Profiles of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Request for Comments (RFC) series of documents addressing relevant Application, Transport, Network, Addressing and Naming, Security, Mobility, and Multilink communication functions for the Internet Protocol Suite (IPS). These Profiles specify characteristics that should be useful to designers, installers, manufacturers, service providers and users for IPS systems intended for operational use within the United States National Airspace System (NAS) and the European Air Traffic Management (ATM) networks.

As ATN/IPS is defining a complete network involving avionics and ground systems, there is a need to guidance on the deployment. The document is a set of profiles of existing standards used for the ATN/IPS implementation. Each profile is the minimum set of required (or prohibited) features from a published standard (such as IETF RFCs) agreed by the EUROCAE WG-108 and RTCA SC-223 for global interoperability between IPS systems.

Revision A of ED-262 updates the original IPS Profiles to remove obsolete RFCs, such as IETF RFC 6347 and replaces it with RFC 9147; updates other RFC profiles in accordance with the requirements specified ICAO IPS SARPs, Technical Manuals and MASPS.

Revision A is meant for validation exercises and a subsequent version is expected to become the baseline of the IPS systems development.

€290.00 excl VAT See details
ED-202B - Airworthiness Security Process Specification


Full member: 0,00 €

Limited member: 143,50 € (excl VAT)

Non member: 205,00 € (excl VAT)

Issued in October 2024.
Supersedes ED-202A

The guidance of "Airworthiness Security Process Specification" adds to current guidance for aircraft certification to handle the threat of Intentional Unauthorized Electronic Interaction (IUEI) to aircraft safety. It adds data requirements and compliance objectives, as organized by generic activities for aircraft development and certification, to handle the threat of IUEI to aircraft safety.
ED-202B supersedes ED-202A “Airworthiness Security Process Specification” (June 2014).
ED-202B has been updated to improve the discussion of the change impact analysis section.
As compared with the previous version, the main changes are:
- Improvements to the security process discussion in section 3.5, and
- Improvements to the change impact analysis discussion of section 4, and
- Addition of a change impact questionnaire in Appendix B.

€205.00 excl VAT See details
ER-034 - Hydrogen Fueling Stations for Airports in both gaseous and liquid form


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 80,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 115,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in October 2024.

The proposed document aims to establish a baseline for hydrogen fueling station specifications and process limits for both gaseous and liquid hydrogen fueling of aircraft at the airport from small to widebody aircraft (including eCTOL, eRotor, eVTOL, LTA, etc.). Hydrogen fueling process limits (including fuel temperature, the maximum flow rate, time required, etc.) are affected by factors such as ambient temperature, fuel delivery temperature, and initial pressure in the hydrogen storage system. Also, at the airport, similar to conventional hydrocarbon fuels, there will be both mobile fueling trailers and stationary hydrogen fueling stations. Gaseous Hydrogen Fuelling and Liquid Hydrogen Fueling at cryogenic temperatures are two very different types of fuel stored in different types of vessels with specific safety mitigations. All these technical options and variants are planned to be within the scope of this report. The goal is to start with an all-encompassing report for hydrogen fueling and, after publishing, establishing a family of documents covering the various categories of fueling. This report is jointly performed with SAE AE-5CH.

€115.00 excl VAT See details
ED-271A - Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards For Detect And Avoid Traffic For Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems In Airspace Classes A-G Under IFR


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 196,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 280,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in November 2024.
Supersedes ED-271

This document functions as a MASPS for the Detect & Avoid [Traffic] system (DAA) for Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) operating in certified category in class A to G airspaces under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR). This standard specifies a proportionate risk based standard for Detect & Avoid against conflicting traffic which will support a performance based regulation for non-segregated RPAS operation.
Revision A supersedes ED-271 ‘MASPS for Detect And Avoid [Traffic] for Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems in Airspace Classes A-C under IFR’ (May 2022) which has been updated to expand from operations in airspace classes A-C to cover all airspace classes A-G.
Main changes are:
- Updated alerting and guidance requirements for RWC,
- Assumed RP behaviour based on RWC alerting and guidance,
- Performance requirements for RWC,
- Harmonization with established ICAO Risk Ratios and Loss of Well Clear ratios.

€280.00 excl VAT See details
ER-032 - European Industry Position Report on RTCA SC-147 ACAS sXu


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in November 2024.

This report provides a detailed assessment of the feasibility of implementing the ACAS sXu solution in the European Union, including its compatibility with U-space airspace. The information presented in this report is derived from a thorough analysis of the RTCA DO-396 ACAS sXu MOPS.

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ER-027 - Artificial Intelligence in Aeronautical Safety-Related Systems Taxonomy


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 84,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 120,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in December 2024.

Establish a comprehensive taxonomy of Artificial Intelligence in aviation.

€120.00 excl VAT See details
ED-231B Change 1 - INTEROP for Baseline 2 ATS Data Communications - ATN Baseline 1 Accommodation - Change 1


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 119,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 170,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in December 2024.
Complements ED-231B

Corrections in the ASN.1 message set to align with ED-229B/DO-351B including Change 1.

€170.00 excl VAT See details
ED-76B Corrigendum 1 - Standards for Processing Aeronautical Data


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in December 2024

Corrects ED-76B

This standard provides recommended minimum requirements for the processing of aeronautical data. It aims to assist aeronautical data chain participants and regulatory authorities in meeting their responsibilities. It is intended to be used by organizations seeking approval of the method(s) they use to process or manipulate data. ED-76B updates ED-76A and takes into account suggested changes from industry and authorities’ experience and feedback, as well as the related regulation and technical standards.

Corrigendum 1 corrects an editorial error in requirement R_008


€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-76B with Corrigendum 1 - Standards for Processing Aeronautical Data - with Corrigendum 1


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 147,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 210,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in December 2024
Including Corrigendum 1

This standard provides recommended minimum requirements for the processing of aeronautical data. It aims to assist aeronautical data chain participants and regulatory authorities in meeting their responsibilities. It is intended to be used by organizations seeking approval of the method(s) they use to process or manipulate data. ED-76B updates ED-76A and takes into account suggested changes from industry and authorities’ experience and feedback, as well as the related regulation and technical standards.

Corrigendum 1 corrects an editorial error in requirement R_008


€210.00 excl VAT See details


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 157,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 225,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in December 2024

Minimum Aviation System Performance Standard (MASPS) for Enhanced Vision Systems (EVS) and Enhanced Flight Vision Systems (EFVS). The scope of this deliverable is to extend, update reorganize, and combine past regulatory guidance documents related to multiple aspects of Enhanced Vision System applications – application to fixed wing aircraft. Harmonization on European side is required with documents being developed by RTCA covering Enhanced Vision Systems Operations.

€225.00 excl VAT See details
ED-325 Vol. 1 - Guidance Document for Special Condition Light - UAS - Medium Risk - Volume 1


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 126,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 180,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in December 2024

This document presents a proposal of Means of Compliance (MoC) to the EASA Special Condition for Light Unmanned Aircraft Systems - Medium Risk. Medium risk refers to Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA) Specific Assurance and Integrity Level (SAIL) III and IV. Volume 1 is applicable to a number of selected requirements in Subparts B, C, D, E and H of the L-UAS MOC. Requirements not covered in this document should be addressed by the applicant with the relevant authority. Additional requirements of Subparts F and G will be covered in Volume 2.

€180.00 excl VAT See details


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 140,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 200,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in December 2024

Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards for Synthetic Vision Systems, Synthetic Vision Guidance Systems and Combined Vision Systems. The scope of this deliverable is to extend, update reorganize, and combine past regulatory guidance documents related to multiple aspects of Synthetic Vision System applications. Harmonization on European side is required with documents being developed by RTCA covering Synthetic Vision Systems Operations.

€200.00 excl VAT See details
ED-112B Change1 - Minimum Operational Performance Specification for Crash Protected Airborne Recorder Systems


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 84,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 120,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in December 2024
Supersedes ED-112A

ED-112B Change 1 Minimum Operational Performance Specification for Crash Protected Airborne Recorder Systems. WG-118 SG3 ED-155A agreed wording for ED-155A shall be carried over to ED-112B. ED-112B deep sea pressure and seawater immersion testing changes.

€120.00 excl VAT See details
ED-112B Integrated Ch.1 - Minimum Operational Performance Specification for Crash Protected Airborne Recorder Systems


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 262,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 375,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in December 2024
Supersedes ED-112A

Alignment of ED-112B with ED-155A, as per WG-118 consensus, and integration into ED-112B.



€375.00 excl VAT See details
ED-269 Change 1 - MOPS For Geofencing


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in January 2025
Modifies ED-269

ED-269 Change 1 addresses the need to avoid confusion between EUROCAE standards ED-269 and ED-318, by removing Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Appendix 2 and related references. Published in January 2024, ED-318 "Technical Specification for Geographical Zones And U-Space Data Provision and Exchange" defines technical specifications covering data format, data requirements and data exchange. ED-318 supersedes Chapter 8 ‘UAS Geographical Zone Data Model’, Chapter 9 ‘Geofencing Information Service Interface’ and Appendix 2 ‘Information Definition and Data Structures’ of ED-269 "Minimum Operational Performance Standard for Geofencing", published in May 2020."



€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-137/4C Change 2 - Interoperability Standard for VoIP ATM Components – Volume 4 Recording


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in January 2025
Complements ED-137/4C Plus Change 1

Change 2 to ED-137/4C will reply to Change proposals raised against ED-137/4C from experience gained during the implementation of the standard and provide clarifications for accommodation of IPv6 operations. ED-137 Volume 4 proposes a profile standard for the use of RTSP to establish, terminate and control recording sessions of the Ground Telephone Service and the Radio Service in an Air Traffic Services Ground Voice Network (AGVN).

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-141A - Minimum Technical Specifications for Airport CDM Systems


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 126,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 180,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in February 2025
Supersedes ED-141

This document supersedes ED-141 Minimum Technical Specifications for Airport Collaborative Decision Making (Airport-CDM) Systems (2008). This document focuses on the technical and non-functional requirements for the A-CDM system and complements the EUROCONTROL Airport CDM Specification (EUROCONTROL-SPEC-198).

€180.00 excl VAT See details
ED-146A - Guidelines for Test and Validation Related to Airport CDM Interoperability


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 98,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 140,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in February 2025
Supersedes ED-146

This document supersedes ED-146 Guidelines for Test and Validation Related to Airport CDM Interoperability (2008). This document draws on experience from large A-CDM implementation programs, to describe common pitfalls and lessons learned, which may assist new A-CDM implementations. A methodology for testing during A-CDM implementation is described, along with test examples for a selection of ED-141A requirements.

€140.00 excl VAT See details
ED-305 - Information Security Guidance for VTOL


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 45,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 65,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in February 2025

ED-305 provides Information Security Guidance for VTOL (vertical take-off landing aircraft). This document addresses airworthiness security aspects while considering special condition and Means Of Compliance (MOC) issued by EASA for small category enhanced VTOL aircraft. In this context where means of compliance with the special condition VTOL are issued for airworthiness security aspects, this document provides a set of complementary methods and guidelines while following AMC 20-42 with tailoring for VTOL. This document is intended to guide applicant in its airworthiness security activities considering specificities of VTOL systems and relying on ED-202A, ED-203A, ED-204A and ED-206 guidance with adequate adaptation and tailoring.
As SC VTOL is limited to manned VTOL, this guidance is as well limited to manned VTOL. Unmanned VTOL is out of scope of this document.
Since the EASA means of compliance to VTOL.2500 are limited to category enhanced VTOL the guidance in this document is intended to that category of VTOL. Security risks on category basic VTOL are not managed in the frame of airworthiness security. While unmanned VTOL is out of scope of this document, it is generally understood that the development of unmanned VTOL will require the development of Collaborative Systems. Collaborative Systems are not part of the SC-VTOL and associated MOC at the time of this document issue, thus this is currently out of scope of this document as well. In the future, when VTOL starts autonomous operation, collaborative systems should be included. Security considerations will become even more critical in the context of autonomous VTOL operation.
MOC 3 VTOL.2500 (b) and VTOL.2500 are applicable to small category enhanced VTOL aircraft.

€65.00 excl VAT See details
ED-334 - Guidance for Common mode analysis for lift - thrust system for VTOL enhanced category


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 70,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 100,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in February 2025

ED-334 contains the results of discussions and considerations regarding Common Mode Analysis (CMA) application for Lift Thrust System for eVTOL (electric vetical take-off landing aicraft).
The objective is to give guidance for the application of Special Condition for VTOL and proposed Means of Compliance Special Condition for VTOL considering the enhanced category. The Special Condition VTOL and Means Of Compliance 4 Special Condition VTOL respectively require the no single failure criteria paying particular attention to common cause failures, including common mode errors and cascading failures in Means Of Compliance VTOL.2510.7b when independence cannot be shown. In addition, Means Of Compliance 4 VTOL.2300 gives a special focus on Fly by Wire, highlighting the need for high integrity and availability.

€100.00 excl VAT See details
ED-331 - Guidance for the use of Automated Ground Movement Equipment to move VTOL Aircraft with passengers onboard at vertiports


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 45,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 65,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in February 2025

ED-331 develops guidance providing recommendations for using automated GME to move aircraft certified by, but not limited to, EASA SC VTOL carrying passengers at vertiports and aerodromes. This document provides guidance for the safe operation of automated ground movement equipment (GME) for vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft with passengers onboard at a vertiport. This document can also be used for the GME operations without passengers as it already considers high level of safety in operations. The content in this document complements the EUROCAE Guidance for Vertiport Operators and Operations (ED-299) and provides a foundation for the subsequent development of technical standards for automated GME.

€65.00 excl VAT See details
ED-336 - Guidelines for SAIL II application of SORA


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 80,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 115,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in February 2025

ED-336 defines Guidelines for SAIL II application of SORA. The Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA) methodology stands as a robust framework to evaluate the risk associated with Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) operations within the Specific category. Built upon a proportionate approach, SORA mandates that the robustness of an operation be commensurate with the assessed level of risk.
Within this framework, operations are classified into different risk levels, ranging from Specific Assurance and Integrity Levels (SAIL) I to VI, each demanding tailored safety measures and regulatory adherence. For low-risk operations (SAIL I and SAIL II), safety is predominantly ensured during the planning phase and through the implementation of adequate operational procedures. The primary goal of this document is to provide guidelines for all Operational Safety Objectives (OSO) in SAIL II operations, that will assist applicants in enhancing the quality of their submissions to National Aviation Authorities (NAA), therefore streamlining the UAS authorization process and alleviating the burden on regulatory divisions.

€115.00 excl VAT See details
ED-323 - Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Required Navigation Performance for Area Navigation


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 238,00€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 340,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in December 2024

ED-323 contains Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for airborne area navigation equipment operated in a Required Navigation Performance (RNP) operational environment. The MOPS documents the minimum requirements and guidance for one functional part of the airplane system that is described and specified by the MASPS ED-75(). These standards specify system characteristics that should be useful to designers, manufacturers, installers and users of the equipment.

The requirements of the MOPS are intended to be consistent with the definition of RNP developed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Performance Based Navigation (PBN) study group and enable PBN-based operational applications. This is because the MOPS presents a comprehensive set of minimum requirements for RNP that enables a manufacturer to develop equipment suited to designated system installations and PBN operational applications.

Compliance with these standards is recommended as one means of assuring that the equipment will perform its intended function(s) satisfactorily under all conditions normally encountered in routine aeronautical operations.

This document is technically identical to RTCA DO-283C. Coordination has been achieved with RTCA SC-227 “Standards of Navigation Performance”

€340.00 excl VAT See details
ED-75F - Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards - Required Navigation Performance for Area Navigation


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 185,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 265,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in December 2024
Supersedes ED-75E

ED-75F contains Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards (MASPS) for area navigation systems operating in an Required Navigation Performance (RNP) environment. These standards are intended for designers, manufacturers, and installers of avionics equipment, service providers and users of these systems for world-wide operations. This MASPS provides guidance to aid in the development of airspace and operational procedures needed to obtain the benefits of improved navigation capability.

The requirements of this MASPS are intended to be consistent with the definition of RNP developed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Performance Based Navigation (PBN) study group (SG) and enable PBN-based operational applications. This MASPS uses the term RNP for the aircraft system because it encompasses a more complete set of technical standards, definitions, considerations and minimum requirements than is contained in any one of the individual specifications for RNP systems in the ICAO Doc 9613() PBN Manual. This MASPS represents a comprehensive collection of features and capabilities that can be applied in total or as a feature set tailored to specific needs e.g. as in a single PBN navigation specification, but where the features all follow the common standard established by this MASPS.

Compliance with these standards is one means of ensuring that the system and each subsystem will perform its intended function(s) satisfactorily under conditions normally encountered in aeronautical operations.

ED-75F supersedes ED-75E Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards - Required Navigation Performance for Area Navigation (June 2022). This document updates ED-75E to ensure consistency with the changes introduced in ED-323 MOPS Required Navigation Performance for Area Navigation.

ED-75F is technically identical to RTCA DO-236E. Coordination has been achieved with RTCA SC-227 “Standards of Navigation Performance’’.

€265.00 excl VAT See details
ED-332 - Guidance for Aircraft High Voltage Power Quality


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 80,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 115,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in January 2025

The new emerging aerospace applications such as electric propulsion need an increase of the embedded electrical power that necessitates increasing the voltage level in order to keep the current level in an acceptable range. Moreover, these new applications come with new electrical architectures and mission profiles that are very different compared to legacy aerospace ones. The currently available power quality standards in aerospace industry are limited to a voltage level of 270VDC (TBC) maximum and are not applicable to new high voltage propulsive networks. The task objective is to build the electrical requirements for higher voltage electrical networks that will be used to specify, develop and verify electrical equipment and systems that may be use for electrical propulsion.

€115.00 excl VAT See details
ED-155A - Minimum Operational Performance Specification for Lightweight Flight Recording Systems


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 227,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 325,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in February 2025
Supersedes ED-155

This update, ED-155 MOPS for lightweight flight recording systems published in July 2009, is primarily expected to ensure that the main goal of providing a low-weigh and low- cost recorder system can be achieved. The preliminary review of the current standard has identified ED155 requires additions and updates addressing provisions for testing, airborne image recordings, cockpit voice recordings, electrically powered aircraft, installations, flight data transmissions, deviations from ED-155 introduced through ETSOs/TSOs, flight crew interactions, and general updates such as, missing charts and the alignment of language with ED112B.

€325.00 excl VAT See details
ED-105B - Aircraft Lightning Test Methods


Full member: 0,00€

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Issued in March 2025
Supersedes ED-105A

This document describes how to conduct lightning direct effects tests and indirect system upset effects tests. It presents test techniques for simulated lightning testing of aircraft and the associated systems. This document does not include design criteria, nor does it specify which items should or should not be tested.

Each test method is set out in a uniform format, describing the test purpose, test object, test setup, test waveforms (voltage and/or current), measurements and data recording, test procedure, and data interpretation. Guidance is provided on how to select the appropriate test or series of tests, and how the test results can be assessed.

ED-105B reflects significant advances in camera technology, new data about flammable gas testing, and latest lightning indirect effects methodology requiring an update to the lightning test method guidance. Additionally, the guidance layout is better coordinated with ED-158, ED-303, and ED-14(). This document is technically identical to SAE ARP 5416B.


€175.00 excl VAT See details
ED-102B Ch. 2 - MOPS for 1090 MHz Extended Squitter ADS-B and TIS-B Change 2


Full member: 0,00€

Limited member: 115,50€ (excl VAT)

Non member: 165,00€ (excl VAT)

Issued in March 2025

Update ED-102B to address errors/test efficiencies identified within Section 2.4 Equipment Test Procedures and other errors/clarifications/editorial changes.


€165.00 excl VAT See details