ED-87D - MASPS for A-SMGCS including new Airport safety Support Service Routing Service and Guidance Service

€ 185.00 excl VAT


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Issued in June 2019.

This document contains the Minimum Aviation System Performance Specification (MASPS) for A-SMGCS. It specifies system and equipment characteristics that should be useful to designers, installers, manufacturers, service providers and users of systems intended for operational use at aerodromes. Functional requirements are used wherever possible to allow flexibility in the design of sub-system equipment. This specification was produced with the knowledge of existing and proven installations and in accordance with the latest results from research projects such as SESAR. Adherence to this specification is intended to enable early operational implementation of a system at an aerodrome in accordance with the aerodrome's operational requirements. This document does not cover datalink services and detection of pedestrians, animals or Foreign Object Debris (FOD).

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