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Issued in December 2024Supersedes ED-75E
ED-75F contains Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards (MASPS) for area navigation systems operating in an Required Navigation Performance (RNP) environment. These standards are intended for designers, manufacturers, and installers of avionics equipment, service providers and users of these systems for world-wide operations. This MASPS provides guidance to aid in the development of airspace and operational procedures needed to obtain the benefits of improved navigation capability. The requirements of this MASPS are intended to be consistent with the definition of RNP developed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Performance Based Navigation (PBN) study group (SG) and enable PBN-based operational applications. This MASPS uses the term RNP for the aircraft system because it encompasses a more complete set of technical standards, definitions, considerations and minimum requirements than is contained in any one of the individual specifications for RNP systems in the ICAO Doc 9613() PBN Manual. This MASPS represents a comprehensive collection of features and capabilities that can be applied in total or as a feature set tailored to specific needs e.g. as in a single PBN navigation specification, but where the features all follow the common standard established by this MASPS. Compliance with these standards is one means of ensuring that the system and each subsystem will perform its intended function(s) satisfactorily under conditions normally encountered in aeronautical operations. ED-75F supersedes ED-75E Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards - Required Navigation Performance for Area Navigation (June 2022). This document updates ED-75E to ensure consistency with the changes introduced in ED-323 MOPS Required Navigation Performance for Area Navigation. ED-75F is technically identical to RTCA DO-236E. Coordination has been achieved with RTCA SC-227 “Standards of Navigation Performance’’.